Soft Sicilian cassata tart – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Soft Sicilian cassata tart - Recipe by Misya


First prepare the sponge cake: whisk the eggs with the sugar for at least 10-15 minutes, until you obtain a very puffy mixture, then delicately incorporate the aromas and finally salt and sifted flour little at a time, mixing delicately with a movement from below upwards so as not to break down the mixture too much.

Pour the mixture into the buttered and floured mold and bake for about 25 minutes in a preheated fan oven at 180°C.
Turn off the oven, open the door slightly and leave to cool for 5-10 minutes, then remove from the oven and leave to cool completely before turning it out and leaving it upside down on the serving plate.

Prepare the syrup by letting the water with sugar and lemon simmer for a few minutes, then let it cool slightly.

When the base is cold, mix the drained ricotta well with the sugar, then add the chocolate chips and transfer to a piping bag with a wide, smooth nozzle.

Take the base again, wet the surface with the syrup, then fill with the cassata cream, creating regular tufts with the piping bag, without leaving spaces between them.
Decorate as desired with candied fruit, candied cherries and chopped pistachios.

The soft Sicilian cassata tart is ready, all you have to do is enjoy it.


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