Smoked pork with sweet and sour side dish – Italian Cuisine

Smoked pork with sweet and sour side dish


Smoked pork with sweet and sour side dish, preparation

1) In a saucepan, bring to a boil 2 liters of water with bay leaf and rosemary. Dip the ribs pork and fairies simmer for about 30 minutes.

2) Meanwhile, cut nuts of the same size potato, onion, turnip, apple and dried apricots, then wet the onion with 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

3) Heat 4 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan, do it brown the potatoes and, when they take on color, transfer them to a plate, add salt and pepper.

4)Drain the onion and set aside the vinegar, then fry it in the same pan as the potatoes with the turnip, apple and dried apricots; continue cooking for 15 minutes often moving the ingredients with a spatula, add salt and pepper and add everything to the potatoes, stirring gently.

5) Emulsify the vinegar onion with 3 tablespoons of oil and 2 pinches of salt, cut the radicchio into sticks and toss with the freshly prepared vinaigrette.

6) Arrange on plates hot the side dish of fruit and vegetables, the drained cutlets, the seasoned radicchio and grated horseradish.

7) Serve with the cranberries canned.


Published 11/23/2021



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