Salone del Mobile: 15 restaurants in Milan to see and try – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Salone del Mobile: 15 restaurants in Milan to see and try


The historic relationship of Milan with design it goes far beyond Furniture expo, which has become one of the reference events on the international scene. The 2024 edition – from 16 to 21 April – is awaited more than ever also because nothing makes the city so crowded and international with obvious advantages for the area. In the pavilions of Rho Fiera you will find many companies linked to the kitchen and cooking sector Fuorisalone the ateliers and shops will display new elements on the theme. The two souls come together to form the Milan Design Weekwhich has a very busy calendar of events including those related to food, both from a culinary point of view and related furnishings.

In any case, it is the best opportunity to combine business with pleasure, sitting in some place with character, where in addition to a pleasant culinary experience, the eye is satisfied by the environment. Especially since it is Milan that offers – in Italy – the greatest number of venues designed by designers and architects, often famous. Our (very personal) selection goes beyond the official Fuorisalone districts: Brera, 5 Vie (for non-Milanese it is the maze of streets in the historic center between Via Torino, Corso Magenta, Largo Cairoli, but in any case without precise boundaries), Durini, Porta Venezia and Tortona. This time we wander under the Madonnina, without setting limits, especially in an event that involves the entire city.

15 restaurants to go to during the Salone del Mobile


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