Recipe Venetian polenta sheets with liver, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Venetian polenta sheets with liver, the recipe


The Venetian liver it’s a classic, with fine onions. In reality the use of this offal is common to many culinary cultures, including oriental ones: it is a popular food, and not surprisingly in Thailand is a main ingredient of nam tokthe typical spicy and delicious soup served as street food in the kiosks on the corners of busy streets.

We propose this and other recipes in the year dedicated to Marco Polo700 years after his death in 1324, for a mix of exotic dim sum and our locals cicchettito discover together that no place is really far away and no civilization is so different, not even when it comes to putting something good on your plate.

Also discover this recipe: Crostini with meatballs cooked in sauce.


This recipe has already been read 121 times!

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