Recipe Milk bread tartlets and dates with smoked salmon – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Milk bread tartlets and dates with smoked salmon


  • 250 g prepared for gluten-free bread
  • 200 g milk
  • 100 g smoked salmon
  • 40 g of dried pitted dates
  • 5 g dry beer yeast
  • salt

For the recipe of canapes with milk bread and dates with smoked salmon, cut the dates into small pieces. Dissolve the dry yeast in lukewarm milk and pour it on the bread preparation (flour), in which you will have mixed half a teaspoon of salt.
Add dates and knead to distribute evenly. Pour the mixture into a silicone cake mold (20 × 10 cm), leave to stand for 10 'and bake at 200 ° C for 25-30'. Add the bread and leave to cool. Slice and toast without too much coloring (canapes). Serve with smoked salmon.


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