Pizza Coronavirus, Sorbillo makes peace with the French ambassador – Italian Cuisine

Pizza Coronavirus, Sorbillo makes peace with the French ambassador


Italy and France make peace on the "pizza coronavirus" issue: French ambassador Masset having lunch at Sorbillo with Luigi di Maio

After controversy unleashed by the satirical video aired on a French TV, in which in Italian pizza maker prepared a "pizza coronavirus", peace seems to have been made. All following the reaction of the famous Neapolitan pizza maker Gino Sorbillo, who had commented on the episode very harshly in a video posted on social media (watch here).

Pizza Coronavirus: at Sorbillo's lunch

After the apology of the French TV station, the Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio invited theFrench ambassador in Rome, Christian Masset, to eat a repair pizza together with Sorbillo. Tensions have eased between a pizza with the colors of the Italian flag and a few mugs of beer.

Di Maio he then commented on Facebook "We are continuing to monitor theCoronavirus emergency and what we need to do is also limit the negative effects on our economy and our entrepreneurs. Yesterday a French TV broadcast a video that offended Italian pizza and our country. To respond to that shameful image, today in the company of the French ambassador in Italy, which I thank, we ate a good Neapolitan pizza together, one of the Italian excellence that the whole world envies us. Now stop the controversy, we defend our products, our qualities, our Made in Italy with all our strength. Thank you so much to Gino Sorbillo for the hospitality. "

Pizza Coronavirus: an apology from France

The video on the "pizza coronavirus" has already been deleted, as explained by a spokesman for theTV station: "Canal + apologizes to our Italian friends for the transmission of a short sequence of bad taste, especially in the current context, making a caricatural reference to Italy in a satirical program. This sequence has already been removed from all channel reruns and reproductions. "

Meanwhile, however, the Neapolitan association Noiconsumatori submitted one class action: "The attempt to dirty the image of Italy and its food excellence, which certainly do not represent a mere and simple dish but the result of Italian history, culture and traditions, cannot and must not go unnoticed" – explain the Angelo Pisani and the president of FareAmbiente Campania, Francesco Della Corte – «we expect, in addition to the compensation for damages, also that the French institutions immediately distance themselves from what happened. Nobody can question the excellence of Italian products in the world, which has always been proudly a symbol of our national identity and of high quality .

Cover photo: Facebook Luigi Di Maio


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