Pie, the casket that hides a treasure of goodness – Italian Cuisine




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They are considered masterpieces of Anglo-Saxon cuisine, because under a golden crust they hide a delicious surprise, sweet or savory: the cakes (or in English pie). There was a time when these cakes with a tender heart, protected by a casket of golden dough, and with a strong flavor were the protagonists on the tables of kings. Of course, perhaps they were too elaborate for our tastes, like the one prepared for the coronation of Henry IV in 1429: a huge pie, the "Partryche and Peacock enhackyll ", which included a whole cooked peacock, complete with feathers, feathers, and tail.

The quintessence of American food

Today tastes and habits have changed. Pie, in its most basic form, is always cooked in a container in the oven. The pasta (brisée or puff pastry) is fundamental as it completely wraps the filling, sweet or salty, or covers it or constitutes only the base. From the Anglo-Saxon culinary tradition, in their adventurous gastronomic itinerary, the pious colonized the United States, becoming the quintessential American food. From north to south, from east to west they have conquered the dignity of main dish, to be served in all shapes and sizes, with fillings in the name of creativity and at any time of the day: from breakfast to lunch to dinner.

3 categories for the pious

These eclectic cakes fall into three categories:

  • The Hand pie, single portions of round, crescent or triangular shape perfect for picnics, buffets and quick snacks .;
  • THE Pot pie, which are cooked in the oven in special casseroles suitable for single portions, with fillings usually salty, crusted or topped with soft puree or potato slices arranged in flakes;
  • Sweet Pies, which have a delicious filling between a base of shortcrust pastry (or pulverized biscuits) and a cloud of delicate meringue that sculpts the surface.

Comfort food par excellence, pie is almost tastier the next day, even when it welcomes leftovers from lucullian meals (like turkey after Thanksgiving Day). But above all it is a special food that draws on a world of ancient emotions: preparing it is an act of love, like making bread at home!

November 2021, curated by Monica Pilotto, photo by Claudio Tajoli

Posted on 11/19/2021


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