How to make chicken soft – Italian Cuisine

How to make chicken soft


Cooking chicken breast isn't as trivial as it may seem. Here are our tips for making it super soft

How many times has it happened to you to bring a slice of chicken that is too dry to the table? Being a low-fat meat, it tends to dry out quickly, but with the right techniques it is possible to cook a soft and juicy chicken breast. The key to success lies not only in the cooking phase, but also in the moments before and after it.

How to make chicken meat soft? Marinate it!

One of the most effective ways to make a soft chicken breast is to marinate the meat before cooking.

There marinating consists in immersing the ingredients in a solution made from an acid component (for example citrus fruit or wine), a fat component (for example oil or milk) and an aromatic component (herbs and spices). Its purpose is precisely that of flavor and keep the meat moist, a fundamental aspect for obtaining a tender consistency.
The choice of liquid is all a matter of taste: the chicken is perfect classic marinade with lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, garlic cloves, salt and pepper. They cannot be missing spices and herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, paprika, curry and so on.
The possibilities, however, are endless: among the most suitable for chicken are marinating with soy sauce or at yogurt.

Completely immerse the chicken breast in the liquid, seal the container and let it rest in the refrigerator. The ideal for chicken ranges from a minimum of 2 hours to a maximum of approximately 4 hours. Before moving on to cooking, take the chicken out of the fridge, leave it to room temperature for 15 minutes, remove it from the marinating liquid (which you will have to throw away) and cook according to the chosen recipe. The marinade is useful for any type of cooking: in a pan, in the oven or fried, the result will be very soft!

Cooking methods

Didn't have time for marinating? It can still be remedied.

Among the best ways to make meat soft there are different types of cooking baked, such as baked, salted or steamed, also suitable for chicken legs. These techniques have a double benefit: they allow the ingredients to preserve flavors and organoleptic characteristics and at the same time to maintain the soft texture. The chicken, protected by parchment paper, aluminum or the crust of salt, absorbs both the humidity and the aromas used, cooking at a constant temperature, without the need to add fat.

Similar conditions can also be replicated in the pan, covering it with the lid during cooking. If you have a cooking thermometer available, measure the internal temperature of the whole chicken breast to avoid overcooking it: as soon as it has reached the 74 ° C, you can put out the flame.

The trick to a soft chicken breast

After cooking, the secret to making chicken breast soft is to cover it with tinfoil for 5-10 minutes before serving or cutting it: in this way the juices will not disperse, but will be distributed correctly among the fibers.


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