Parmentier cream with sausage and sage skewers – Italian Cuisine

Parmentier cream with sausage and sage skewers


Parmantier cream with sausage and sage skewers, preparation

1) Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices.

2) Clean, wash and chop the onion, also clean the leek and cut it into slices; lightly brown them with the butter in a saucepan. Add the potatoes, stir, let them flavor for a few moments and then pour in the hot broth.

3) Season with salt, pepper and continue cooking for about 40 minutes, then add the cream and blend everything iin order to obtain a cream.

4) Peel the sausage, cut it into chunks and put it on four skewers alternating it with sage leaves.

5) Cook the skewers on a cast iron grill for a couple of minutes on each side.

6) Divide the soup in the soup plates, distribute the skewers, complete with a left hand of pepper and serve.


Published 11/23/2021



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