October, seductive seasonal pleasures! – Italian Cuisine



Snacks, risottos, roasts with fruit, ganache and then many stages of taste: a lesser-known Venice, a trip to South Tyrol to discover breads, a foray into the Marche, the cradle of organic agriculture. And what else? Find out here and on newsstands


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You know where the word comes from snack? The term comes from the Latin verb mereri, which means to deserve; so snack means "things to deserve". The greedy break that for generations has studded long afternoons of homework (or games) for children is just that: a rewarding, well-deserved, comforting and informal moment. Pure pleasure, in conclusion. But the snack is not just children's entertainment; has a long history that has its roots in ancient traditions, peasant and noble, and a new contemporary soul, healthy and healthy. Two natures who find a meeting point in the right recipes, such as those we suggest in this issue, from chocolate rolls to stuffed potato sandwiches.

Pleasures of the season
THE pleasures (well!) deserved they are the fil rouge of the new Salt and pepper, which this month leads us through many seductive, comforting and enjoyable recipes. Starting from risotto (raspberries and smoked trout, caramelized onion and walnuts, pumpkin and cod) dominated by a single undisputed protagonist, the Carnaroli: the masterful interpreter of these dishes has a great past and a present of excellence, which reveal great surprises. From risotto we pass to roasts with fruit (to which we dedicate our cover, a pork loin with chestnuts): it is figs, grapes, apples and pears that give the cerne that a touch of sweet or sour freshness that makes every bite extraordinary. And then again, a bit of a dream, with the exotic inspirations of our menu that plays with the flavors of distant lands and composes them on a single colorful, spicy and fun table.

191266 "src =" https://www.salepepe.it/files/2021/09/laguna-vista-su-Burano.jpg "width =" 210A land of flavors
And then there are our stops along the Italy of flavors. In the islands of the Venetian lagoon, which were the vegetable gardens of Venice and where still today fishing (moeche and not only) and cultivated (vines, vegetables). In Tuscany, to discover the scottiglia (also called cacciucco di terra), a recipe characterized by a mix of meats and long cooking. In Marche, to intercept the vocation of this land for natural cultures. On the Karst, where between rock and sky, they are produced Malvasia, Terrano and Vitovska, emblematic expressions of a land on the border between Italy and Slovenia. In South Tyrol, a region where breads, soft or crunchy, are made up of many cereal mix. TO Mortara, to taste the very typical goose salami. As far as Cesenatico by Alberto Faccani, Jre, self-taught chef, who tells us about the cuisine of his restaurant.

191265 "src =" https://www.salepepe.it/files/2021/09/CANNOLI-AL-CIOCCOLATO-E-PISTACHCHI-03.jpg "width =" 210Ganache
And to conclude in sweetness (and immense pleasure) here we are in the world of ganaches: L'meeting between cream and chocolate gives life to one of the most delicious and versatile pastry preparations. A great recipe resulting from a mistake: the fault of an inexperienced pastry chef who mixed the ingredients by mistake and created a delight to be interpreted in farce, cakes, sweets and cannoli.

October 2020
photo by Michele Tabozzi, Francesca Moscheni and Felice Scoccimarro

Posted on 09/28/2021


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