«New visions: the Vanity Stage organized with OPPO scheduled for October 29th – Italian Cuisine


"Nuove visioni" is the Vanity Stage organized with Oppo scheduled for October 29th at 3.30 pm on the vanitystage.vanityfair.it platform, with protagonists Nima Benati, one of the most requested and appreciated fashion photographers, and Isabella Lazzini, chief marketing officer of OPPO Italy.

The dialogue will focus in particular on the logical evolution of the smartphone tool. Investigating one of its now central connotations: the ability to tell everyday life through streams of images and videos, thus becoming a witness and a narrator of moments. A collector of memory, a vehicle for sharing and therefore for representing oneself towards the outside.

To represent this evolution are the phones Reno6 Pro 5G and Reno6 5G from OPPO, which offer as standard a range of functions capable of capturing the moment in a professional way, adding complex but intuitive special effects and obtaining a quality rendering effortlessly. Such simplicity leads to an outcome: it amplifies the expressive language of inexperienced, newbies, wary of technology. Writing stories in images is now within everyone's reach.

The appointment is part of the cycle of "OPPO Meets" digital meetings organized by OPPO in collaboration with Vogue Italia, GQ, Vanity Fair and Wired, which investigate how technology is influencing fashion, design, personal and therefore collective culture, lifestyles, in a process of mutual contamination, in a rebound of suggestions.


The tastiest recipes for the week of October 25th – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the week of October 25th


What to cook during the week of October 25? Here are the best recipes for quick and easy first, second and desserts

Each week it can be a challenge to always cook something different and at the same time satisfy daily needs. The recipes must be quick and easy, but still capable of teasing the palate through creative ideas and combinations never tried before.

This week we have thought of everything: in the gallery above you will find 10 recipes including first, second and desserts to alternate the great classics with more original dishes.

What cooks the week of October 25: first courses

Let's start with a first course of the tradition that we can finally enjoy in all its glory: pasta and beans, just like they do in Lombardy, to warm up during the coldest days of October.

Discover new flavors with less common ingredients: try our celeriac risotto, easy to prepare and surprisingly fragrant!

THE unique dishes they are an excellent idea for the week: those who want to stay lighter, can rely on seasonal salads, for example based on endive, radicchio, pears and aromatic bread; those who prefer a more substantial meal can opt for this spicy stew served together with pilaf pasta, or baked in the oven.

What cooks the week of October 25: main courses

What's second? If you are in a hurry you can focus on simple recipes. Chicken breast with lemon (if done in a workmanlike manner) never tires, while to give a little liveliness to the usual sole just add the right ingredients, as in this recipe ready in 15 minutes.

Even during the week there is space for a special evening, perhaps in the company of friends. Why not try making burgers at home, including bread? Here we explain how to do it super soft buns with a mouth-watering spiced chicken burger.
Do not worry, we also have one for lovers of cuisine based on fish: mackerel, an inexpensive fish rich in excellent health-promoting properties, is delicious with the crunchy crust of breadsticks, pine nuts and orange that we offer in this recipe.

What cooks the week of October 25: desserts

There snack it is essential during the week, because it is a way to disconnect and recharge your energy. We have two sweet breaks in mind, one genuine and the other super greedy.

The timeless apple puffs are prepared in no time with the ready puff pastry, but if you want to get serious, try this soft brown and dark chocolate cake. A real bomb.

Look at all the recipes for this week in the gallery above.


The tastiest recipes for the weekend of October 23rd – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the weekend of October 23rd


What to cook this weekend? Here are the first, second and best desserts to prepare on the weekend

As the colors of nature change and the temperatures begin to become more effervescent, our appetite is increasingly directed towards comfort food. Which seasonal ingredients do we love most right now? The mythical pumpkin, queen of October, mushrooms, pears, but also some surprises that anticipate the coming month.

In gallery above we have collected 10 recipes that will make this weekend unforgettable.

What to cook on the weekend of October 23: first courses

Lovers of pasta, we are sure that you will not be disappointed by our creamy and aromatic pumpkin celentani, thanks to the final touch of orange peel. Speaking of creamy dishes, it will be impossible to resist these delicious shells with salmon and mascarpone au gratin in the oven.
And if you can't give up on Sunday lasagna, we offer you our vegetarian version with cream of artichokes and hazelnuts.

If you love the encounter between earthy and sea flavors, try the pappardelle with onion cream, chanterelles and mullet. A special combination!

What to cook on the weekend of October 23: main courses

The main courses of the weekend must be important: everything lies in the choice of ingredients and original combinations. As for the meat we chose the duck breast with marinated radicchio and pumpkin chutney, a recipe that will amaze you with the use of spices and the tender texture of the duck.

Lunches in the company of the weekend are the right time to devote yourself to recipes based on fish. The grouper, for example, is a very fine Mediterranean fish, as well as rich in Omega-3: here we prepared it "Japanese style", with a marinade based on miso and mirin, and accompanied by colored cauliflower skewers.

Looking for delicious side dishes? These porcini and potato flans are also perfect as an appetizer or as an aperitif.

What to cook on the weekend of October 23: desserts

Dessert has finally arrived! Our favorite dessert for this weekend is the frangipane tart, with a crunchy base of chestnut flour, almonds and rice, a mouth-watering cream, all garnished with Williams pears scented with star anise.

Look at the gallery above to discover all the recipes for the weekend of October 23rd


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