Mimosa cake: in Milan, 10 addresses where you can buy the best ones – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mimosa cake: in Milan, 10 addresses where you can buy the best ones


The Mimosa cake is the gastronomic equivalent of the plant that symbolizes International Women’s Day. A soft and joyful dessert, with sponge cake cubes, yellow like those same flowers. We would like to point out the 10 pastry shops in Milan that more or less remain faithful to the traditional formula, invented in the 1950s by Adelmo Renzi, a chef and pastry chef from Rieti.

We have already told you the story of the Mimosa cake, as well as the traditional recipe. So we decided to select the 10 pastry shops, between the historic ones and the more recent ones, located in the various neighborhoods of Milan and the surrounding area, so that for the anniversary of March 8th you can choose to buy it in the place closest to home or be inspired by the one displayed in the shop window (not just yellow…) and to replicate it as you wish. Happy March 8th everyone!

Our recipe for making Mimosa cake at home

The 10 pastry shops in Milan and surrounding areas


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