Maccheroncini with sausage and yellow onions – Italian Cuisine

Maccheroncini with sausage and yellow onions


Maccheroncini with sausage, the preparation

1) Peel the onions, slice them thinly and cook them in a pan, covers flush with hot water, with 80 g of butter and
bay leaf for about 40 minutes, until they are undone.

2) If the cooking juices tend to dry out too much, add more hot water.

3) Peel the sausage, crumble it And brown it in the remaining butter with a few sage leaves until golden. Wet with a splash of wine and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

4) At the end of cooking, private laurel onions e perfume them with abundant scissored chives. Adjust of salt
and pepper.

5) Cook the pasta in abundant boiling salted water, drain it al dente e season it immediately with the onion cream.
Distribute yourselves over the sausage e serve it very hot.


Posted on 05/11/2021



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