How to desalt and cook cod: tips and recipes – Italian Cuisine


Salted cod, otherwise known as cod, is a staple of Italian cuisine. But how to prepare it? Here are the right tips and some recipes to try

The salted cod it is the protagonist of numerous recipes, from North to South, but it is often not used as it is believed that its preparation is laborious. Which is true, but with a few simple tricks you can easily prepare it, to have it ready to be declined in numerous delicious recipes, such as cod Vicentina or the creamed cod.

First, you need to do one distinction between cod and stockfish, which are often exchanged. The raw material is always the Cod, but while the stockfish is dried, the cod is preserved in salt.

Having made the necessary distinctions, here is now the vademecum to cook cod with no more secrets.
Consult our gallery to find instead some recipes with which to decline your cod.

salted cod

How to clean cod

After buying the cod, take care to remove the tail and fins. Then rinse it well under running water to desalt it and cut it into two parts, following the center line. Then peel it.

How to desalt cod

The desalination process is undoubtedly the most laborious part. Put the salted cod in a basin in the kitchen sink by changing the water at least three times a day and rinsing it each time under running water. The length of the procedure depends on the fish: if it is only salty, one day is enough; if it is also dried, it takes at least 1 or 2 days.

Pay attention to the bones

Now your cod is ready to be cooked, but before proceeding, check again very well that there are no bones or skin residues left (unless you have to fry it: in this case, it is also okay to leave the skin).

If you don't use it right away, freeze it!

A ready face, if you don't want to cook it immediately, you can also freeze it tightly closed in a food bag.

And now browse the gallery above to discover many recipes for cooking cod!


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