Hay flavored ribs – Salt & Pepper – Italian Cuisine

Hay flavored ribs - Salt & Pepper


1) Cut cut the ribs in half and season with salt and pepper, massaging them with your hands in order to make them penetrate well. Wash the hay (or the sprigs of fragrant herbs), drain and distribute it inside a cast iron casserole, pressing it against the walls. Wash and brush the potatoes, peeled the onions and cut them into quarters. On the bottom of the casserole, arrange the ribs alternating them with the potatoes and onions.

2) Pour the wine over the meat, bring to a boil over the flame, then cover and pass the casserole in the oven at 180 °. Cook in a covered pot for 30 minutes and uncovered for another 30 minutes.

3) Serve the ribs with their side dish, napping them with the cooking juices. Accompany potatoes with flakes of butter and freshly ground pepper.


Posted on 13/01/2022



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