Frisceu Recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Frisceu Recipe |  The Italian kitchen


You know the frisceu? I am savory pancakestypical of Liguria, which can be enjoyed as street food or as appetizers. For Giuliano Sperandioexecutive chef of the historic Le Taillevent restaurant, two Michelin stars Paristhey are the dish that brings him back to his Ligurian origins, because, he says, «they evoke a sensation of sweetness in me. They have the flavor of a family’s love, and they make me feel close to my own.”

Frisceu have a dough based on Flour which can be enriched with various ingredients such as lettuce, borage, cod, whitebait: in this case the chef added chopped spring onions to the batter prepared with flour, yeast, milk and water. The batter is cooked in spoonfuls inpeanut oil boiling hot to get the frisceu. The chef suggests serving the pancakes with mayonnaise mixed with a pinch of mustard and a teaspoon of honey.


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