Tag: flour

Frisceu Recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Frisceu Recipe |  The Italian kitchen


You know the frisceu? I am savory pancakestypical of Liguria, which can be enjoyed as street food or as appetizers. For Giuliano Sperandioexecutive chef of the historic Le Taillevent restaurant, two Michelin stars Paristhey are the dish that brings him back to his Ligurian origins, because, he says, «they evoke a sensation of sweetness in me. They have the flavor of a family’s love, and they make me feel close to my own.”

Frisceu have a dough based on Flour which can be enriched with various ingredients such as lettuce, borage, cod, whitebait: in this case the chef added chopped spring onions to the batter prepared with flour, yeast, milk and water. The batter is cooked in spoonfuls inpeanut oil boiling hot to get the frisceu. The chef suggests serving the pancakes with mayonnaise mixed with a pinch of mustard and a teaspoon of honey.


Gnocchi with rice flour, peas and broad beans: an explosion of spring flavour – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Gnocchi with rice flour, peas and broad beans: an explosion of spring flavour


This is a classic dish of the Italian tradition that is renewed with a touch of originality. The Italian style gnocchi but with rice flour everyone agrees because they are gluten-free, light and dietary. In this recipe, we guide you to discover an irresistible combination of the delicacy of gnocchi get ready with rice flour and the sweetness of peas and of Fava beansfor a dish that embodies the best of Italian cuisine.


Crespelle with chickpea flour: the protein recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


The crepes I’m a passepartout in the kitchen. They go well with any ingredient: breakfast, lunch or dinner. But have you ever tried the crepes with chickpea flour? This particular flour makes them suitable for anyone: celiacs, vegans, intolerants to eggs or lactose, and also to those who follow a specific diet. In particular they are suitable for athletes, who need protein foods after physical effort.

Chickpea flour: a concentrate of proteins

Chickpea flour is a highly protein food: 100 g of chickpea flour, in fact, contains approximately 21 grams of protein, compared to the 10 grams of 00 flour that is traditionally used to prepare crepes: more than double. The contribution of essential amino acids is also very interesting: however, as with all other legumes, it is useful to combine them with a portion of cereals that complete the protein profile of the meal

Lidia Puica / EyeEm

Crespelle with chickpea flour: the recipe


  • 120 g of chickpea flour
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 270 ml of water
  • seed oil
  • 2 g of salt (1 if you fill them with sweet ingredients)


  1. In a bowl, pour the chickpea flour and add oil, salt and pepper. Mix vigorously with a whisk until you obtain a fairly liquid batter.
  2. Grease a non-stick pan and heat it, pour a ladle of batter and allow it to expand until it forms a circumference.
  3. Cook the crepe on both sides, moving it to a plate when cooked and proceed with the others until you run out of batter. Now they are ready to be stuffed: take a look at our gallery to find out how.

How to fill crepes with chickpea flour

Once cooked, the crepes made with chickpea flour can be filled as you like, with savory but also sweet ingredients, why not. Browse our gallery: here we give you some straight to make them truly delicious and play with your imagination to enjoy them in ever new ways.


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