Crepes dumplings with salmon and mozzarella – Italian Cuisine

»Crepes dumplings with salmon and mozzarella


Prepare the crepes batter.
Break the eggs in a bowl and beat them with salt with the prongs of a fork. In a larger bowl put the flour, make a hole in the center and pour the milk then stir until a smooth and fluid batter is obtained. Now add the mixture of eggs and mix until you have a homogeneous mixture. Cover the bowl with some film, then let the batter rest for 30 minutes.

Grease a crepe with a little oil, when it is hot pour a ladle of batter and tilt the pan to make it spread well on the surface. Cook the crepes on both sides until they are lightly browned.

Place one crepes at a time on a flat surface and place the slices of smoked salmon and the slices of mozzarella on the half of the pancake. Folded in half, then rolled up creating a bundle. Close the crepes wrappers by stopping them with a string of chives or kitchen twine.

Serve the waffles of salmon crepes to the feet decorating with chopped fresh parsley.

TAGS: Recipe Frappotini of crepes with salmon and mozzarella How to prepare crepes bundles with salmon and mozzarella Crepes dumplings with salmon and mozzarella recipe


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