Tag: crepes

recipe for crepes in broth – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

recipe for crepes in broth


Peel a potato and cut it in two, pierce one half with a fork, pass it in the oil and use it to grease a non-stick frying pan, not scratched, about 20 cm wide. Place the frying pan on the stove and, as soon as it is very hot, pour in a ladle of the mixture.


Mix of vegetables and cheese for delicious vegetarian crepes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mix of vegetables and cheese for delicious vegetarian crepes


Crispy on the outside, creamy and soft on the inside, crepes of buckwheat stuffed with nettles and ricotta they represent one healthy and quick recipe, capable of mixing different and tasty flavors. Impress your guests with this typical dish vegetarian cuisinewhich will truly conquer everyone!


Just a few steps for crepes with a creamy and aromatic centre – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Just a few steps for crepes with a creamy and aromatic centre


If you are looking for a tasty and refined dish to prepare easily, i crepe parcels with spinach, ricotta and nutmeg they are the ideal choice. The creamy heart, where cheese, vegetables and aromas mix, is enclosed in a chest of pasta, soft and consistent, for a quick and easy recipe all to try


If you don’t like spinach or want to try different flavors, you can replace it with grilled courgettes, artichokes in oil, asparagus or mushrooms. Add further flavor by incorporating a filling onto the surface of the crepes before folding them into a bundle. For example, you can spread some basil pesto or cream cheese.


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