Tag: mozzarella

Mozzarella: 20 Fresh and Quick Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mozzarella: 20 Fresh and Quick Recipes


Fresh, rich in water, tasty: it is the mozzarella. 20 recipes that we propose to you with the queen of cheeseswhich when it’s hot or when we don’t feel like turning on the oven and stove can quickly turn into a cold dish and fast, or rather the perfect solution to sit at the table with taste in no time. Cow, buffalo, braided, in bites, in cherries: from the type of milk to the shape, it allows us to bring it to the table often varying flavors and shape.

A classic of the beautiful season that has as its protagonist the mozzarella cheese it is definitely the Capreseto be prepared in version stuffed mozzarella if you want to be more original. But today let’s play with our imagination and discover what other cold dishes (many) can be prepared with mozzarella. But first let’s discover the properties of mozzarella and in what quantities we can eat them.

The properties of mozzarella

Mozzarella, although it seems like a light and fresh dairy product, provides from 250 to 290 kcal per 100 gcontains proteins and saturated fatsas regards minerals it is rich in soccer And phosphoruswhile the content of cholesterol is reduced. To find out if mozzarella (and caprese) are suitable for your diet, read herebut as always the advice is to consume each food in moderation and vary the choice of foods. A little of everything, always, is the best of rules.

Mozzarella in cold dishes: our recipes

If you can indulge in a dish (or even two) with mozzarella a week, here it is 20 cold recipes perfect for the warm season. They range from the classic cold pasta to the bulgurfrom skewers to the tacosfrom a salad with green beans and snow peas one with theavocadocome on rolls to the rolls of mozzarella.

So the heat is certainly not lacking, in this summer of 2023, even if the weather in the North is capricious. A good dish with mozzarella is therefore fine and if you follow our recipes you will bring beautiful and good things to the table, but, above all, fresh to eat.


Summer Farro Salad Recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Summer Farro Salad Recipe


In the summer, farro salad is an excellent alternative to pasta salad or rice salad. For a summer lunch, whether in the office or in the garden, we have prepared it with mozzarella and vegetables.

To make it as in our recipe you will have to cook the pepper in the oven and peel it, cook it on the grill aubergine, courgettes and tomatoesthen cut all the vegetables into slices or chunks. Add the vegetables to the boiled and cooled speltcompleting with chilli pepper, capers, olives, oil, basil and mozzarella balls.

Discover these recipes too: Farro, chickpea and strawberry salad, Farro salad with legumes and artichokes, Cold barley and tomato salad, Cold pearl barley salad, Barley salad with sea bass tartare, Farro, stracchino and vegetable focaccia, Rabbit and spelt with walnut pesto.


Delicious recipe for aubergine and mozzarella timbale with tomato sauce – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Delicious recipe for aubergine and mozzarella timbale with tomato sauce


In a pan, warm up a spoonful of olive oil And fry the onion and garlic until gilding. Add i chopped tomatoesbasil, the saltThe pepper and it sugar. Cook over medium-low heat for approximately 20-25 minutesuntil you obtain a thick sauce. Blend the sauce with an immersion blender until smooth homogeneous.


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