Tag: mozzarella

Tartlets filled with meat and mozzarella – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tartlets filled with meat and mozzarella


Chop the onion and brown it in a large non-stick pan with some oil, then add the minced meat and let it flavour, then add the wine.
Season with salt, then transfer to a bowl and leave to cool.

Beat the egg lightly, then add half of it (keep the rest aside) to the now warm minced meat, together with the parmesan, and mix.

Unroll the puff pastry, place the molds on top (without pressing) and cut out circles slightly larger than the molds themselves.
Lightly butter the molds and line them with the puff pastry circles you just created, then prick the bottom with the tines of a fork.

Distribute the filling (minced meat and mozzarella cubes) into the puff pastry shells and, with the leftovers, create strips with which you will decorate the surface, creating a lozenge pattern.

Brush with the remaining egg and cook for about 20 minutes or until golden in a fan oven preheated to 180°C.

The tarts filled with meat and mozzarella are ready, let them cool slightly before serving.


Omelette recipe «my way with courgettes and mozzarella – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Ricetta Frittata «a modo mio» con zucchine e mozzarella


There “my way” omelette with courgettes and mozzarella it is a recipe from the cook Aurora Cacciari – Chiara Maci’s mother as well as one of the first Italian AIS sommeliers – who explains to us: «It is an easy, quick and economical preparation that is always a great success. It’s made even easier by the fact that there’s no need to flip the omelette in the pan.”


To make this omelette we first cooked the courgettes, browning them in a pan, and then added the beaten eggs and the diced mozzarella, continuing the cooking until the mozzarella had melted and the eggs had set, without ever needing to turn it. Excellent to serve hot with the mozzarella still stringy, but also very good warm or cold, as a practical packed lunch for a trip out of town.

Discover other interesting simple omelette recipes:


Rustic pizza with dried tomatoes, olives and buffalo mozzarella: an Italian journey – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Rustic pizza with dried tomatoes, olives and buffalo mozzarella: an Italian journey


There rustic pizza with dried tomatoes, olives and buffalo mozzarella with marinara sauce it is tasty but traditional, perfect to delight the palate and bring a piece of Italy directly to your table. Here is the preparation of this delicious pizza, enriched by the sweetness of dry tomatoesthe flavor of olives and the creaminess of buffalo mozzarellaall wrapped up in marinara sauce home made.


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