Cream tart, the perfect cake for any occasion! – Italian Cuisine

Cream tart, the perfect cake for any occasion!


Are you looking for an original idea to celebrate your birthday? Or the next Women's Day? Or Mother's Day? There is a cake that solves every situation: the cream tart!

Very scenic, but above all good: it is the cream tart, a cake consisting of two layers of shortcrust pastry, filled with mascarpone cream and finally decorated with fantasy. A cake that really fits everyone and now we explain why.

First, it is greedy and colorful with macarons, fruit, edible flowers and everything that comes to mind! Then you can give it any shape you want (heartily for Valentine's day, of number for a birthday, of flower for the Women's day…) and immediately becomes the protagonist of your shots to be published on Instagram.

Invented by the Israeli pastry chef Adi Klinghofer, immediately entered the social trends. Below, in the recipe, we explain how to make it step by step in your home, while in the gallery we reveal some secret to make it even better.

The cream tart recipe


The ingredients for the shortcrust pastry are: 140 g of 00 flour, 125 g of butter, 125 g of almond flour, 25 g of sugar, 1 egg.
The ingredients for the cream they are: 200 gr of fresh liquid cream, 200 gr of mascarpone, 50 gr of icing sugar, ½ vanilla bean.
The ingredients for the decoration they are: 4 macarons, mixed berries (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries …) to taste, dark chocolate in curls to taste, icing sugar to taste (here the ingredients may vary according to the imagination of each).


First, prepare the stencil with the desired shape. Take the measurements well: then the resized shortcrust pastry will have to bake in the oven, so it must be there. Then let's start with the shortcrust pastry: in a bowl add the 00 flour, the almond flour, the butter in chunks and the sugar. Knead by hand. Then add the egg and continue to knead until the dough thickens. Give the mixture an ingot shape, place it in the transparent film, seal it and put it in the fridge to rest for about 2 hours. After 2 hours, roll out the dough on a sheet of parchment paper to a height of about 3 mm and pierce the pastry with the prongs of the fork.
Now it's time to place the stencil on the shortcrust pastry and, with the help of a small knife, cut out the desired shape for both layers that will be needed. Preheat the oven to 180 ° and bake the two shortcrust pastry shapes for about a quarter of an hour. Remove from the oven and let cool.
Now is the time to prepare the cream. In a bowl, add the cream, the vanilla seeds and start whipping, adding the icing sugar. Once the cream is whipped, add the mascarpone little by little, whipping from the bottom to the top. Place the cream in a piping bag. Take your first shape of shortcrust pastry and decorate it with many small tufts close together. Then, place the second template on top and repeat the decoration with the cream.
Now, the decoration: cut the strawberries in half, remove the leaves, and place them to taste among the tufts of cream. Do the same with the other berries, with the macarons and the chocolate curls. Sprinkle with icing sugar. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.


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