Cranberry juice: all the benefits and recipes for using it in the kitchen – Italian Cuisine

Cranberry juice: all the benefits and recipes for using it in the kitchen


A beneficial drink as are the small fruits from which it is obtained. Here are the properties of cranberry juice to be used also in delicious recipes

It is not always possible to find i when shopping blueberries, Especially if it's not the right season. To enjoy the countless property of these fruits all year round, however, there is blueberry juice. Perfect for breakfast, for a snack, for post-workout, it is refreshing, delicious and beneficial.

The properties of blueberries

Their blue color suggests it: blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, pigments with antioxidant properties able to act on the microcirculation and protect the vascular system by counteracting the fragility of capillaries, but also varicose veins and water retention.

These substances are also good for view and fight there eye fatigue acting on the capillaries of the retina. Blueberries are also rich in C vitamin And fibers and have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, refreshing, astringent, tonic, diuretic properties.

Cranberry juice and recipes

When you buy the blueberry juice consider whether to prefer the one with only fruit sugars e with no added sugar. There is also the juice of cranberry with fewer properties, mainly diuretic and refreshing.

Cranberry juice can also be made at home starting from fresh fruits and then it can also be used in delicious recipes like those that we propose below.


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