Sbrisolona with parmesan cheese with balsamic vinegar zabaglione – Italian Cuisine

Sbrisolona with parmesan cheese with balsamic vinegar zabaglione


1) Chop coarsely almonds. Mixed the two flours with 60 g of grated parmesan, add the almonds, a pinch of salt, pepper and a few needles of chopped rosemary. Add lightly beaten egg and 80 g of cold butter in chunks; you work quickly the ingredients with your fingertips, until you get a mixture in crumbs.

2) Transfer the mixture in a round pan with a diameter of 26 cm lined with baking paper; lightly tap the pan on the work surface to settle the dough, sprinkle the surface with the remaining cheese and transfer the preparation in the oven at 180 ° for about 25 minutes. And then baked And let it cool the sbrisolona.

3)Put the egg yolks in a saucepan in a bain-marie, add salt and beat them with a whisk until fluffy. Incorporate the remaining softened butter into an ointment and continue to work with the whisk; pour yourself flush the hot wine, then the vinegar e jumbled up until the eggnog begins to thicken. Serve the sbrisolona with hot zabaglione.


Posted on 01/22/2022



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