Cooking to relax: here's how – Italian Cuisine

Cooking to relax: here's how


The slow and repetitive gestures, the choice of ingredients, the scents that are released during cooking and the wait to see your creation finished are actions that help to find well-being and serenity

It will have happened to you at least once in your life to hear yourself say "when I cook I relax". This is not a saying, but an action that for many really increases the state of well-being and helps to find tranquility. As explained by a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, carrying out a creative activity makes you happier and more peaceful even in the days following the action. And cooking is undoubtedly a creative act! Of course this is true if the time dedicated to cooking is adequate for what you want to do, if it is a moment free from other tasks or commitments. Only in this way will the motto be valid relax cooking!

The gestures, the scents, the wait

Cooking can be part of a conscious process called grounding, "grounding", an operation by which you become aware of the present moment. The sequence of gestures, the use of hands that work in harmony with your mind, help you focus on the here and now, giving you a state of relaxation. The essence that every food gives off, the aromas of spices, the aromatic herbs that you use in each recipe, or simply the aromas that develop with cooking, bring good humor and well-being. From here you can well understand how the saying "relax by cooking" is true. Waiting for the moment when your preparation is ready teaches the art of patience and waiting and gives a sense of satisfaction for the awareness of having done something by itself from start to finish.

Cooking teaches you to trust yourself

Maybe you have never thought about it, but start preparing a dessert, for example, or a dough for a savory pie, starting from the measurement and balancing of every single ingredient, from cleaning the vegetables to be used up to the choice of fillings or of the filling, for get to the final result, ready to be tasted, it gives a boost of self-confidence, one confiance in your abilities, which will also be useful in more demanding situations. In addition to giving you the real pleasure of tasting the fruit of your work, alone or in company (with friends even better, but here the topics available would be many and such as to have to open another chapter!).

In the tutorial we summarize the basic gestures to relax while cooking


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