Tag: relax

Post lockdown insomnia? Here is how you can relax and sleep well – Italian Cuisine

Post lockdown insomnia? Here is how you can relax and sleep well


In this difficult period, many suffer from insomnia. Concern for the future, stress, messy schedules, irregular meals … Here are some remedies

Do you struggle to fall asleep in the evening or do you sleep poorly and badly during the night? Insomnia due to the COVID-19 emergency is a very common disorder. In this period 42% of Italians have anxiety problems and 24% suffer from sleep disturbances. This was revealed by a recent investigation by the Piepoli Institute for the National Council of the Order of Psychologists. The worries and fears of the period together with social isolation worsened the quality and duration of the rest for several reasons. When experiencing particularly stressful situations, the body produces high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which promote wakefulness. Being indoors at home has also prompted many to engage in behaviors that negatively affect their ability to fall asleep. The lower exposure to sunlight, source of vitamin D, and the use of electronic devices, such as smartphones, until late at night, for example, promote insomnia because they inhibit the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. To improve night sleep, it can be useful to adopt a tailored sleeping routine and pay attention to daily nutrition. The exciting substances of some foods can make sleep particularly agitated. Here are 5 strategies to adopt at the table to relax and go back to sleep well, suggested by Annamaria Acquaviva, dietician and nutritionist for the California Prune Board.

Eat regular meals

To promote rest, try to maintain a regular routine even at the table. How? Always eat at the same time and follow a varied and balanced diet. The correct intake of all essential nutrients promotes the proper functioning of the body. The nutrients present in foods in fact affect the circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

Don't miss the tryptophan

Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, thegood mood hormone, which is converted into melatonin, fundamental in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Legumes, meat, fish, dairy products and oil seeds are a good source. For example, to relax in the evening and facilitate rest, drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed. Thanks to the presence of casomorphins, natural opiates, it reconciles sleep.

For dinner, bet on carbohydrates

The complex carbohydrates of whole grains and their derivatives consumed without exaggerating facilitate rest. They promote the production of serotonin, which induces relaxation and promotes the synthesis of melatonin, which regulates the sleep-wake rhythm.

Yes also to the fibers

For dinner go-ahead for vegetables such as lettuce, red radicchio that promote rest. Cabbage, artichokes, spicy spices, on the other hand, can be difficult for sensitive subjects to digest. Fruit is also a good source of fiber. California plums in particular have a high content of potassium, vitamin B6, copper and manganese, precious for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Avoid overdoing it with online appetizers

Spirits induce poor quality sleep. Even meats and cheeses are by no means allies of rest. In addition to providing an important share of calories and saturated fats, they contain high amounts of sodium, which stimulates thirst and disturbs rest.

In the gallery you will find 10 foods to bring to the table to sleep well


Cooking to relax: here's how – Italian Cuisine

Cooking to relax: here's how


The slow and repetitive gestures, the choice of ingredients, the scents that are released during cooking and the wait to see your creation finished are actions that help to find well-being and serenity

It will have happened to you at least once in your life to hear yourself say "when I cook I relax". This is not a saying, but an action that for many really increases the state of well-being and helps to find tranquility. As explained by a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, carrying out a creative activity makes you happier and more peaceful even in the days following the action. And cooking is undoubtedly a creative act! Of course this is true if the time dedicated to cooking is adequate for what you want to do, if it is a moment free from other tasks or commitments. Only in this way will the motto be valid relax cooking!

The gestures, the scents, the wait

Cooking can be part of a conscious process called grounding, "grounding", an operation by which you become aware of the present moment. The sequence of gestures, the use of hands that work in harmony with your mind, help you focus on the here and now, giving you a state of relaxation. The essence that every food gives off, the aromas of spices, the aromatic herbs that you use in each recipe, or simply the aromas that develop with cooking, bring good humor and well-being. From here you can well understand how the saying "relax by cooking" is true. Waiting for the moment when your preparation is ready teaches the art of patience and waiting and gives a sense of satisfaction for the awareness of having done something by itself from start to finish.

Cooking teaches you to trust yourself

Maybe you have never thought about it, but start preparing a dessert, for example, or a dough for a savory pie, starting from the measurement and balancing of every single ingredient, from cleaning the vegetables to be used up to the choice of fillings or of the filling, for get to the final result, ready to be tasted, it gives a boost of self-confidence, one confiance in your abilities, which will also be useful in more demanding situations. In addition to giving you the real pleasure of tasting the fruit of your work, alone or in company (with friends even better, but here the topics available would be many and such as to have to open another chapter!).

In the tutorial we summarize the basic gestures to relax while cooking


Chamonix, the coolest place to relax and have fun just across the Italian border – Italian Cuisine

Chamonix, the coolest place to relax and have fun just across the Italian border


It is for everyone "Cham", the most glamorous center at the foot of Mont Blanc, just across the border from Italy. Walking through its streets you will hear at least three different languages, you will see young people from all over the world for work, study, or simply to have fun on the other 60 downhill slopes free that are part of the ski area. In addition to this, Chamonix is ​​the home of snowboarders and freerides, for stunts in fresh snow. Sports, but also relaxation in the suggestive Wellness Centers and Spas, as well as a lot of nightlife in the trendy clubs where the night is always young: all this is what awaits you as soon as you cross the Mont Blanc Tunnel.

Surrounded by some of the most beautiful mountains in the entire Alpine arc, between the peaks of the Aiguille des Grands Montets and the Bossons glacier, Chamonix is ​​the place to spend days surrounded by nature, walking along snow-covered paths, or romping in some of the adrenaline-pumping disciplines in fresh snow. And for the after ski, if what you are looking for is a stop in the name of tranquility and quiet, the hotel Le Hameau Albert 1er, Relais et Châteaux it's the place for you. The Carrier family, at the helm of this luxury hotel since 1903, awaits you to pamper you here, in this oasis of peace at the foot of Mont Blanc. Rooms with attention to every detail, with fireplace, family suites or independent chalets: you will find an answer for your every need. And inside the hotel you will find a spa with an outdoor heated swimming pool with a view of Mont Blanc and an indoor one, as well as a 2 Michelin star restaurant where you can choose from an à la carte menu or from three proposals at 73, 110 and 176 euros . In addition to this there is also a Restaurant de pays, where to taste the authentic mountain dishes revisited in lightness.

Le Hameau Albert 1er, 38 route du Bouchet, 74400 Chamonix Mont Blanc France

Tel: +33 (0) 450530509


If you prefer oriental disciplines such as yoga and meditation to skiing, rest assured, you are still in the right place. The Mont Blanc Hotel reserves an unmissable proposal: from 4 to 7 December, Anne Francin, professor of Prana Vinyasa in Paris, will be present at the facility. With her you can live whole sessions of exercises and meditations, use the spa with its 250 square meters by Clarins, as well as a heated swimming pool overlooking the Mont Blanc massif.

Hôtel Mont-Blanc Chamonix, 62 Allée du Majestic, 74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc

Tel: +33 (0) 4 50 53 05 64


Just outside the center of Chamonix is ​​the B&B Chalet Kidou, the perfect place for those who love skiing, walking on the snow or hiking on glaciers. Located 4 km from the Aiguille du Midi cable car, Chalet Kidou offers accommodation entirely covered by free WiFi and free private parking. There are 4 rooms equipped with all comforts, in a relaxed and well-kept atmosphere.

Chalet Kidou, 70 Chemin du Fouffion Chamonix


What to do, where to eat in Chamonix

The Montenvers train

The landscape around Chamonix is ​​one of those that take your breath away. If you do not want to miss an incredible panorama, what you need to do is to get on the Montenvers red cogwheel train, dating back to the early 1900s, which will take you to the foot of the Mer de Glace, the longest French glacier. Around you the most beautiful mountains ever, in a fairytale show. For those who do not suffer from claustrophobia there is also a visit to the ice cave, accessible with a 20-minute walk or by cable car.

Mer de Glace et train de Montenvers, 35 pl de la Mer de Glace, 74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Tel: +33 (0) 450532275

Relax at the Chalet de Charamillon

For a break after skiing, or for a relaxing break between skiing, try it Chalet de Charamillon, where you will find a selection of typical dishes, as well as hand-made sandwiches or delicious hand-made cakes. Hot chocolate with the fresh cream or the classic "bombardini" are inevitable.

Chalet de Charamillon
Arrivée du télécabine de Charamillon
74400 Argentière
Tel: +33 (0) 450540472

The spa

If you want to treat yourself to a pampering, no place will be able to satisfy you like them QC Terme, 3000 square meters of swimming pools, Turkish baths and wellness programs where you will be spoiled for choice. Immersed in a breathtaking scenery, you can choose from 30 practices that guide your multisensory journey, as well as an infinity pool that is mirrored by getting lost in the water of the adjacent alpine lake, with an unmissable view of the Bossons glacier. And then massages, remise en forme treatments, face care, to rediscover the pleasure of taking care of yourself.

QC Terme Spas and Resorts
Tel: +33458380110

Paragliding flight
For an experience that takes your breath away (and not in a metaphorical sense!) A paragliding flight that's what it takes. We fly with a professional master over the snowy peaks of Le Brevent and Chamonix, 20 minutes of true drunkenness suspended in the void. The appointment is at the paragliding school on 24 Avenue de la Plage, 74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc. Equipment and protections provided directly by the school.


To redo the load of energies, al Restaurant Le Cap Horn you can dine in a very nice and charming environment and at the same time with a very familiar atmosphere. A tasting menu or à la carte proposals will make you travel between the mountains and the sea, with Asian influences. Excellent desserts
Cap Horn, 74 Rue Des Moulins
Tel: +33 4 50218080

If instead the altitude does not disturb you, you must not get lost The 3842, a restaurant at high altitude (3842 meters above sea level!), reachable with the Aiguille du Midi cableway. The restaurant is a chalet immersed in the sky, from which you can have a 360 ° panoramic view of the entire Mont Blanc massif. The menu is succinct, and changes every week to take advantage of seasonal products. Reservations are required, there are only 26 seats inside!
Restaurant Le 3842
Tel: +33 4 50558223


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