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World Chocolate Masters 2022: here's who won the Italian final – Italian Cuisine

World Chocolate Masters 2022: here's who won the Italian final


The young pastry chef from Brescia won the first prize thanks to her skill and daring to create desserts with only vegetable ingredients.

Anna Gerasi is the winner of the Italian Final of the World Chocolate Masters, held today 2 February in Pollenzo, at the headquarters of Selmi Chocolate Machinery, top player in the production of chocolate processing machines, in Pollenzo. The final was organized by Chocolate Academy Milano by Barry Callebaut, leading international company in the production of chocolate and cocoa. An important victory for Anna, born and raised in the world of pastry, reached the top step of the podium of this competition thanks to experimentation, the ability to get involved with only vegetable ingredients, which have in fact opened a new trend of pastry tomorrow.

An international competition

Now Anna will represent Italy in the world final to be held in Paris at the end of October 2022. The World Chocolate Masters it is in fact the most important international competition dedicated to artisans, chefs and their creativity applied to chocolate in the world of pastry, chocolate and gastronomy. The candidates, who came from all over the world, started their preparation from March 2021 and will have to convince the jury thanks to their creative ideas, their vision and their talent. 21 countries participating in the contest, which will be held in Paris next October, and which will decree the best maître chocolatier in the world. In the race in Pollenzo with Anna Gerasi, the only female finalist, also Matia Ortiz, party chef of Il Marchesino in Milan, Diego Mascià, of the Cioccolateria Gelateria of Cristian Beduschi in Florence, Attilio Rebeccani, manager of the historic Marisa pastry shop in Padua, Antonino Maresca, consultant for restaurants and pastry shops, Stefano Bernardi, maître chocolatier and Head Pastry Chef at the Valle dell'Erica Resort in Santa Teresa di Gallura and Filippo Valsecchi, party chef at the family restaurant.

The sense of this competition

The World Chocolate Masters is actually a real observatory, thanks to which it is possible to understand the changes in taste, the expectations of consumers and consequently the trends of chefs and pastry chefs who intend to mark the pastry of tomorrow with their work. It is no coincidence that the theme of this year's edition is precisely Tomorrow, or all the suggestions and insights of tomorrow's pastry chefs. «The World Chocolate Masters is like Formula One in the world of chocolate and pastry – said Ramon Morato, Creative Director of Cacao Barry. The innovations revealed and displayed by chefs have always been a source of inspiration for chefs around the world. What will be seen in the competition will be exhibited in the best patisseries and chocolate shops of the next few years. In this edition we will encourage chefs to approach science, technology and design and rethink chocolate and pastry in these terms ".

The X factor of Anna Gerasi

Anna convinced the jury, made up of great professionals in the sector, thanks to the decision to set up all her work using only vegetable ingredients, making the realization of her works more difficult. Strength, determination and vision are his watchwords. She declares herself deeply attached to chocolate and uses it as the basis of all her creations. In particular, he recognizes his pralines as a workhorse: an explosion of chocolate in different shapes and tastes. The final in Paris would represent for her, as well as the realization of a dream, also a a source of great pride as she would be the first Italian woman to obtain such a result. On the benches of the jurors, Enric Rovina Montesinos, founder of Enric Rovina, a company producing high quality chocolate with a contemporary design; Davide Comaschi, winner of the 2013 competition in Paris; Loretta Fanella, best pastry shop in Italy 2007 and founder of Loretta Fanella Pastry Lab, a laboratory where you can learn all the secrets of the most innovative pastry; Vittorio Santoro, founder and president of CAST Alimenti, the school created to give professional dignity to the masters of taste; Maurizio Allodi, director of the Selmi Training Center chocolate training school and finally Luciano Varetto, master chocolatier and Selmi technician.

The tests to overcome

The seven competitors had to face 5 different tests related to different themes. The first was Design, and participants were asked to think like designers to create new formats for their chocolates, snacks and pastry ideas. The first test was a 3D artistic creation in chocolate, using the #TMRW inscription, made with Cacao Barry couverture chocolates and other cocoa derivatives. Six different techniques had to be used in the realization, such as molding, sculpture and other methods, also invented by the competitor. The second test consisted in the creation of a fresh single-portion, where three different textures were evident, consisting of one of the chocolates of the Cacao Barry range, a fruit that gave the idea of ​​freshness and a local ingredient produced by artisans of the place of origin. of the competitor. The third test required the creation of a chocolate snack, entirely vegan and based on pure chocolate. The predominant aspect had to be the design: it is the image, in fact, that determines the customer's purchase reaction. Bon Bon was instead the fourth test, in which the participant had to create a fresh praline, without emulsifiers, made with local products. The last test to pass consisted in creating a moodboard to illustrate one's idea and interpretation of the theme, motivating the choices through a story, that it was as engaging as possible.

Chocolate in Italian pastry

The use of chocolate has exploded late in Italy compared to the rest of Europe, but in a few years, thanks also to the cultural commitment expressed by Chocolate Academy and by its chefs, this ingredient has become indispensable in the best pastry shops but also in the most refined recipes of starred restaurants throughout Italy. The first Italian to win the World Chocolate Masters was in 2013 Davide Comaschi, trained at the school of Maestro Iginio Massari. After nine years, who knows it is not yet an Italian to get on the highest podium of this competition. We all cheer for Anna!


Egg whites: don't throw them away! Here's how to use them – Italian Cuisine




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There are many preparations that only involve the use of egg yolks, such as custard or mayonnaise but … egg whites? Stop! Don't throw them away! They can be stored or reused to prepare many recipes. Storing egg whites is very simple: in the refrigerator they last for about a couple of days while, if stored in the freezer, they can be reused for the following 6 months.

The properties of egg whites
Did you know that egg whites are a very healthy food? They are composed for the 90% from water and for the 10% from proteins, ovalbumin, the allies of sportsmen. But not only that, the egg whites are very rich in vitamins, folic acid and mineral salts; very low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. We can consider them as a very important food for our diet, especially if we are trying to follow a diet low in fat and cholesterol.

How to reuse them?
Yes, it's true you could make an Italian, French or Swiss meringue … very good, but enough meringues! Prepare something different! Or you could use them in your beauty routine or as a plant fertilizer.

In the kitchen
191120 "src =" https://www.salepepe.it/files/2021/09/albumi-@salepepe-1.jpg "width =" 210 "style =" float: left;In addition to the more classic preparations, egg whites, they can also be used as a yeast. Yes, you got it right! The whipped egg whites can be used instead of yeast, in fact, during cooking, the air incorporated by the egg whites will "grow" the preparations making them foamy. We advise you to use egg whites instead of yeast in sweet preparations, here are the doses to replace a sachet of baking powder with egg white: 3 whipped egg whites (discover all the secrets here) and 2 g of cream of tartar or 2 g of baking soda.

Flans with egg whites
Sauté the diced vegetables al dente with oil and salt, mix with a little egg white, arrange in oiled single-portion molds and bake at 180 ° for 20 minutes.

Clarified broth
Add 1-2 egg whites to the cold broth, bring slowly to the boil, stirring with a whisk: the egg white will collect all the impurities and just filter to obtain a very clear broth.

Panna cotta
Heat 250 ml of fresh cream with 70 g of sugar. Turn off the heat and add 2 lightly whipped egg whites and 1 sachet of vanilla or a little grated lemon zest. Pour the caramel into individual molds, fill with cream and bake in the oven in a bain-marie for 1 hour and a half at 120 °. Let it set for one night in the fridge.

For your beauty routine
Not only are they good for our bodies, egg whites are also good for the skin! Thanks to the concentration of proteins, egg whites purify the skin, help fight wrinkles, degrease the scalp and reduce sun spots. Find out how!

Purifying mask: beat an egg white with a tablespoon of 00 flour and one of honey, mix everything and apply the mask on the face. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse your face with warm water, at the end moisturize with a light cream. You will have a soft and very smooth skin, free from impurities!

Egg white and carrot eye contour mask: tiredness, excessive use of smartphones and PCs can increase eye fatigue and worsen dark circles. But don't worry! With this illuminating eye mask you will have an ally immediately available whenever you need it! Chop a carrot, mix it with the egg white and apply it to the eye area. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes, wash your face and apply your eye cream!

Hair mask: beat an egg white and pour it directly on the hair, starting from the root and continuing along the lengths. Leave to act for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly before proceeding with the normal shampoo. This mask is especially suitable for those suffering from oily scalp.

As a fertilizer
Curious isn't it? If you are an irreducible "green thumb", you cannot fail to pamper your plants with this natural method! The properties of egg white are a natural fertilizer for the soil of your plants. When you feel they need to be fertilized, when you feel they need a "boost" to make them grow more lush and strong, you should definitely try this trick. Pour an egg white into a container or bottle and add 125 ml of fresh water; stir vigorously and let it rest. Repeat the same operation for the next 5 days without using. At the start of the sixth day, add a liter of water, mix again and start fertilizing your plants.

September 2021
Giulia Ferrari

Posted on 09/24/2021


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Purple rice is ideal for dieters – here's why – Italian Cuisine


Its colored beans are a concentrate of substances beneficial for health and for the figure. Find out what they are and how to make the most of them at the table

In the supermarket and organic shops you can find different types of rice. One of the newest to try is purple rice, also known as violet rice. Traditional ingredient of oriental cuisine, this exotic-looking variety is also grown in Italy. Thanks to its particularly aromatic taste, it is ideal for preparing risottos, soups, salads and even desserts. From a nutritional point of view it is a very valuable cereal because it is wholemeal, therefore much richer than refined grains in vitamins, minerals and other precious substances. It also provides a large amount of polyphenols, called anthocyanins, responsible for the purple color that act on health and on the figure in various ways. With the help of Valentina Galiazzo, a nutrition biologist specialized in clinical biochemistry, let's see what benefits purple rice has and why it is convenient to use it in the kitchen.

What it contains

«Purple rice is rich in fiber that gives you satiety. They limit the absorption of sugars and the secretion of insulin, which predisposes to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, overweight and many other disorders ", explains nutritionist Valentina Galiazzo. It also ensures good amounts of tryptophan. "This amino acid in the body promotes the synthesis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter important for the regulation of hunger".

What is different from other varieties

Compared to white and semi-wholemeal ones, purple rice grains ensure a higher content of antioxidants, including flavonoids called anthocyanins. «It is a category of polyphenols that have a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action on organs and tissues. They counteract the action of free radicals that damage cells and promote aging. They then strengthen the body's defenses and promote the disposal of waste substances and excess fluids accumulated with food. And finally they act on the circulation: they improve the fluidity of the blood and lower the risk of encountering high cholesterol, triglycerides and hypertension .

How to combine it at the table

Purple rice is rich in fat-soluble vitamins. In particular, it has a good content of vitamin A, an ally of the skin and vitamin K, precious for joint health. "To facilitate its assimilation, it is essential to associate it with a source of lipids such as extra virgin olive oil, hazelnuts, cheeses or salmon and all varieties of blue fish. To increase its anti-aging power, however, the ideal is to combine it in recipes with vegetables such as red cabbage and radicchio, which are also rich in powerful antioxidants ".

Purple rice is ideal for dieters - here's why

Here are the other benefits of purple rice

Counteracts cellulite

Purple rice is rich in antioxidants that strengthen blood vessel walls and promote microcirculation.

Quench your hunger

Thanks to the richness of fiber, it helps to modulate blood sugar, the level of sugar in the blood and induces satiety.

Promotes relaxation

Purple rice is a source of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, a precursor of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Combats fatigue

Thanks to the richness of complex carbohydrates and B vitamins, it guarantees long-lasting energy.

Promotes intestinal health

Purple rice is a source of soluble fiber that favors the multiplication of "good" microorganisms in the intestinal flora, which positively affect the health of the whole organism.


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