Carnival and the pancakes found on the new Sale & Pepe – Italian Cuisine



Less known but equally delicious: they are the Carnival pancakes "forget" (or, better said, found again), those that are prepared in small towns and that are handed down from one generation to the next. They have curious names like Caleno glove (to which we have dedicated our cover), Cannariculi or Orillettas and they have unusual shapes, sometimes spectacular, and little stories that have brought them down to us from distant times. We looked for them around Italy, collecting traditions and sifting through old cookbooks, to tell about a Carnival that is perhaps more intimate (as perhaps ours will still be) and less noble, but at least equally heartfelt and undoubtedly greedy. It is impossible to list all the fried gluttons of the Italian Carnival. Try the ones we have chosen for you.

The power of seeds
Still on the subject of rediscoveries, we went to find the virtue of seeds from sesame, linen, pumpkin, sunflower, poppy and many others. Origin of plant life, they already contain all its complexity and strength and give life to nutritious and healthy dishes. Which open to creativity, like a spicy pesto with coriander, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and sour cream or chicken wings in a sesame crust.

195261Noodles and cod
Rice, sweet potatoes, green tea, he also loves wheat and soy … the delicious strips of pasta that come from the East have many flavors and colors and are suitable for different recipes, dry and in broth. As far away from our traditions as they are appreciated by our palates. And then, another (re) discovery: the salted cod who, abandoning the popular clothes, wears new elegant and contemporary clothes.

Taste destinations
We have been to Florence, among the historic shops, which, alongside the traditional tourist one, draw a path to discover timeless shop windows, full of taste and craftsmanship. In Puglia we went to discover the restaurant of Vinod Sookar, Mauritian chef transplanted to Valle d'Itria, with a traditional cuisine with an exotic soul. In Valtellina, then, we evaluated the “heroic” viticulture, which interprets the Nebbiolo grape in different reds.

Traditional sweets
There panna cotta has a history that dates back to the eighteenth century, blossoms in the Piedmont sabuado of the nineteenth century, is codified as a recipe in the sixties and continues to depopulate in home cooking and in trattorias. And then there is the tiramisu, an internationally renowned spoon dessert, so much so that it deserves an academy and its acolytes: guests in our kitchen Tiziano Taffarello, founder of the Academy dedicated to the iconic dessert, supports its Treviso origin, documents in hand and Anna Maria Pellegrino, cook and food writer has prepared for us the traditional version and a rediscovery.

February 2022


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