Caramel panettone with almond cones – Italian Cuisine

Caramel panettone with almond cones


1) For the decoration, chopped the biscuits in the mixer reducing them into fine crumbs; mix them with the ricotta and 2 tablespoons of condensed milk and mix. Leave rest for 10 minutes, then knead the mixture to obtain slightly elongated meatballs; finally cover them with the slices of almonds in order to obtain small pine cones. Brush the sprigs of rosemary with the remaining condensed milk and roll them in a little granulated sugar to create a frosted effect.

2) For the dessert, dissolve the sugar in a saucepan with a thick bottom and caramelize it over low heat; then add a pinch of salt and 175 ml of cold cream, stirring vigorously to melt the caramel. Transfer the mixture in a bowl and let it cool, first at room temperature, then in the fridge. When the caramel cream is very cold, add the rest of the cream and whip with a whisk.

3) Cut the panettone in 3 parts, horizontally, eliminating the cap; stuff the 3 discs with the caramel cream prepared only on the side up and stack them in order to recompose the panettone. Finish with the cap and spread the remaining filling over the entire surface of the cake with the help of a spatula. Decorate with the pignette and the sprinkles of frosted rosemary.


Posted 11/12/2021



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