Bruschetta with burrata and arugula pesto – Italian Cuisine

Bruschetta with burrata and arugula pesto


imaginative bruschetta: Ready in a few minutes, they satisfy the eyes and palate. In this recipe we have used the burrata Murgella, rich and creamy. You can serve them with a glass of sparkling wine as an aperitif or bring them to the table to tease waiting for lunch.

1) Cut the heart of celery. Chop the chili pepper eliminating the seeds. Scald i tomatoes in boiling water, peel them, remove the seeds and cut them into cubes.

2) Coarsely chop the mixer in the mixer rocket salad, celery, 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt, 1 clove garlic peeled and half of the oil. Arrange the mix in a bowl and mix it with the tomatoes, the chilli pepper, the remaining oil and oregano.

3) Toast the slices of bread in the oven, rub them with the remaining garlic and cover them first with the burrata and then with the prepared mince.



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