Black cabbage chips: a very easy vegetarian recipe – Italian Cuisine

Black cabbage chips: a very easy vegetarian recipe


Good, quick to prepare and healthy: black cabbage chips are a vegetarian snack or side dish to try several times, because they are crunchy and inviting. Discover our recipe

A aperitif last second? No idea for a quick outline? A quick vegetarian meal? To each of these questions, the answer can only be one: the black cabbage chips (Also known as kale), very quick to prepare (it really takes a few minutes of preparation and a few more of cooking in the oven).
They are tasty and crunchy, just like french fries.
Below you will find the recipe step by step, in the gallery instead some straight to make them even more delicious and to combine them in your menus.

How to make cabbage chips: the recipe


1 medium-sized black cabbage
extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt to taste
pepper as needed
sesame seeds to taste


Peel the black cabbage leaves, removing the central rib and obtaining chips of 5-6 cm in length. Wash them and dry them with absorbent paper. Then arrange them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper a few cm away from each other.
Season them with extra virgin olive oil, brushing them one by one. Sprinkle them with sesame seeds and season with salt and pepper. Preheat the convection oven to 180 ° C and bake them for about 10 minutes, until you see them crunchy, but not dry.
Take them out of the oven and serve them just warm… they will be snapped up!

Browse our gallery for other tips for preparing tasty cabbage chips


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