10 recipes for Christmas to prepare in advance – Italian Cuisine




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The morning of the 25th December It is a special moment for all families. There are those who wake up calmly, but those who are raised at dawn to find out if Santa is really past! That's why, where it's possible, it's useful prepare in advance the dishes of the Christmas lunch, moving ahead between Antivigilia and Christmas' Eve. Not sure where to start? Every preparation has some parts on which it is possible to take advantage!

Some examples? THE ravioli resist in the freezer for a long time, just season them to the last or prepare them already messed and let them gratin last minute. The same goes for cannelloni is timbales as for the terrine of lasagne and fresh salmon, which you'll just have to cook in the oven. Do you have doubts about the appetizer? The liver paté with jelly rings it is kept in the refrigerator, the same as the tuna mousse and the classic Russian salad. Do you think this is not possible with fresh fish? The stewed capitone it will amaze you! Discover the best recipes for Christmas to prepare in advance of Sale & Pepe.



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