What to cook for Christmas it can be the question that changes tone depending on the answer. There are those who can’t wait to create a structured menu and dedicate themselves to cooking while also accepting gastronomic challenges in the kitchen. Or those who prefer to re-propose traditional recipes for a very classic Christmas dinner or lunch with numerous courses. Then there are those who would like a a carefree, tasty, convivial menu that doesn’t keep you too busy in the kitchen.
We had asked 4 special guests to tell us what they would bring for Christmas and they had shared their favorite recipes. Anna Scavuzzodeputy mayor of Milan, had chosen the panettone StuffedWhile Giovanni BrunoPresident of the Food Bank, had cooked the lentil meatballs. Linked to the family tradition, the Bolognese Francesca Ragazzihead of content at Vogue Italia, had brought i tortellini in broth of grandmother Arduina. Saturnino Celanimusician and composer, had challenged us with some Ascoli sea olives very interesting.
These 4 recipes put together form a simple, tasty and… affectionate menu. We thought we’d propose it again because good recipes that answer the question “what to cook for Christmas” so well deserve a future. Dedicated to those who prefer simplicity at the table.
What to cook for Christmas? 4 recipes
Commitment For experts
Time 2 hours plus 1 day of rest
1 kg Ascoli DOP olives in brine
500 g boiled fish pulp (monkfish, cod, cod)
250 g 00 flour
250 g breadcrumbs
150 g breadcrumbs
150 g drained tuna in oil
50 g Parmigiano Reggiano
3 eggs – anchovies in oil
1 clove of garlic
desalted capers
parsley – lemon
peanut oil
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
Pitt the olives with the appropriate tool and let them soak in water overnight so that they lose the excess salt. Mix the boiled fish pulp with the chopped breadcrumbs and the tuna. Chop finely with a meat grinder. Add the grated zest of 1/2 lemon, the parsley, 1 anchovy, 1 clove of chopped garlic, a handful of chopped capers, the parmesan and plenty of extra virgin olive oil. Mix until you obtain a soft mixture. Leave to rest overnight in a cool place. Fill the inside of the olives with a quantity of mixture equal to the volume of the stone. Dip the olives first in the flour, then in the beaten eggs and finally in the breadcrumbs. Let them rest for a few hours in a cool place (otherwise they will fall apart during cooking). Fry them in plenty of peanut oil and serve hot.