What is the holiday dish of your zodiac sign? – Italian Cuisine

What is the holiday dish of your zodiac sign?


In this festive atmosphere, it is fun to consult the gastronomic horoscope to find out which is the ideal dish for your zodiac sign – or who you love. And then there are 12 recipes!

From Christmas to New Year, ready to put our legs under the table knowing when we will start but not when we will be able to get up permanently for the Parties? Whether you have good intentions of containment or that you postpone them all to early January, it doesn't matter: Italian cuisine offers many traditional dishes for the Christmas holidays and they are (almost) all irresistible. Everyone has their favorite dish: the one that comes best to mum, the traditional dish of our hometown, the dish that reminds us of wonderful moments. In this post I will propose you a traditional holiday dish ideal for any zodiac sign, you are ready?


You are one who does not joke, Aries, not even at Christmas. This is why the dish I have thought for you is Stuffed capon, traditional that you really can't and edible only if then the bingo or the Christmas movie awaits you and nothing more challenging!


There is no better comfort zone than a plate of beef broth (with the pieces of meat chosen by the trusted butcher) in which tortellini swim blessed! Torone, you look great with your legs under the table and are in no hurry to wait for the broth to cool.


Since you have the minimum amount of time with your legs under the table so as not to offend anyone, you need to keep yourself light and for this reason one of your favorite dishes remains the very traditional bracing salad, disguised as vegetables but with the host of capers, olives and anchovies.


It may be the air of tenderness that hovers in these days of celebration, Cancer, but you volunteer to brush the remaining sweets at any time of the day. From the last slice of panettone to the crumbs of Ricciarelli, from the mascarpone cream remained at the bottom of the bowl to struffoli who have tried to escape from the plate you will not really grace any.


You are the undisputed king of all vices, obviously including those at the table. This is why your favorite part of the holidays is making kilometer orders in the rotisserie of all those foods that you would never prepare yourself. Give her scallops au gratin to the pate, from prawn cocktail toRussian salad. The deli counter in the center almost attracts you more than the jewelery counter.


If there is a party you really have no doubts: you want the gastronomic panettone. One of cured meats, one of fish and one even vegetarian, to please everyone. Tidy, composed, not even crumbling or dirty: in short, it is really perfect and you wonder why you have been waiting for the holidays to enjoy one.


To warm your little heart during the holidays, one of your favorite dishes is the lentil and chestnut soup, thick and hot just the way you like it. Given the calories it serves as an appetizer, first and second course but if proposed on a controlled feast day it also accepts to have a Roast in Crust.


You are the zodiac sign most linked to superstition then a cotechino with lentils who bring money, as they say, nobody really takes it away from you! Indeed, while you are there in your parties there are not even the grapes and the pomegranate, all natural lucky charms!


When it comes to parties, you raise your head and volunteer to organize too, thanks to Jupiter who rules your zodiac sign. So your favorite holiday dish is great triumph of fried food, the one that overflows from the two-family serving dish and that to be digested requires at least an afternoon on the sofa drinking carbonated water.


With all the Saturn flowing in your Capricorn veins you have a natural predilection for the leftover dinner, the one in which the dishes on the table have no logical thread that unites them. Among these your favorite leftovers are the cannelloni warm up that, you argue, are even better than the day before.

fish tank

Since you are not really a lover of traditions I would say that you will not take great pains to cook during the holidays and if you are offered a salmon pasta you would not make a turn. Indeed, just to go against the tide you could give yourself to summer dishes like i prawns with lemon or thesea ​​Salad.


Even at the table you want to pamper yourself, Pisces, and in this period of holidays even more. You will not miss comfort food of the highest level like it honey glazed shank, the mashed potatoes engulfed in a generous grating of Parmesan cheese and all the dishes that remind you of the birthplace of when you were little. Romantic!


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