Tag: sign

What is the ideal pizza for your zodiac sign? – Italian Cuisine

What is the ideal pizza for your zodiac sign?


High or low? Minimalist or hyper stuffed? The astrologer reveals what are the ideal types of pizza of the 12 zodiac signs based on their "star" characteristics.

Is it possible that the stars influence our choices, even in pizzerias? We asked the astrologer Ginny Chiara Viola to reveal the favorite pizza of each of the 12 zodiac signs – because, let's face it, it is very difficult to resist the temptation of a Pizza tasty and choose the one that really suits us! After all, pizza is part of our DNA, a proudly Made in Italy recipe, exported with more or less questionable results in every corner of the globe. And then, pizza is a complete and satiating dish, to be granted one-time without guilt. There are even those who argue that eating pizza is absolutely compatible with the slimming strategy, see the Neapolitan pizza maker based in New York Pasquale Cozzolino, who dedicated the book to the topic The Pizza Diet (edited by Simon & Schuster). When we find ourselves in front of the list of pizzas with many goodness listed, from the simple pizza Margherita to the Quattro Stagioni or Marinara, we risk getting confused. So, let us be guided by the gastronomic horoscope: which is the ideal pizza for your zodiac sign?


This sign in constant motion appreciates take-away pizza and orders it super stuffed with energetic and caloric foods, on all cheeses and cured meats. He eats it straight from the cardboard, doing a thousand other things in the meantime.


You can enjoy pizza, il Toro, at the restaurant, in complete calm, choosing refined and gourmet combinations, preferably signed by some renowned chef. A few examples? Thin and crunchy pizza with courgette flowers and buffalo ricotta.


The eternal Peter Pan of the zodiac loves greasy and greasy pizza, to be shared with a large group of friends. A lover of variety, he chooses the Quattro Stagioni without second thoughts.


A sign of home and tradition: Cancer chooses artisanal pizza prepared with ancient grains. Always and only mozzarella and tomato: you can never go wrong with the great classics.


A sign obsessed with physical appearance, energetic and tireless, the Lion opts for the protein pizza, thin, crunchy and topped with cherry tomatoes and bresaola. Perfect for a post workout.


Another very strict sign, not prone to excesses, often on a strict diet. Those born of the Virgin choose a wholemeal pizza: thin thin, with goat ricotta instead of mozzarella.


Elegance first of all for this sign of Air, very linked to the sense of harmony and order. Their pizza is also chic and never excessive: Ligurian pesto, parmesan and rocket.


A loving sign of the “more is more” concept, strongly linked to the sense of pleasure and enjoyment. The high pizza wins, with a profusion of sausage and cheeses. No sense of guilt, indeed.


The travelers' sign goes in search of the most exotic pizza on the menu. He chooses it very spicy in Mexican style, but he also dares the much discussed Hawaiian pizza, with pineapple.


The traditionalist of the zodiac orders only true Neapolitan pizza: with high cornice, buffalo mozzarella, tomato sauce and the inevitable basil leaves. Patriotic.

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The Aquarius hates feeling heavy and is not a big glutton, on the contrary: he is often so concentrated in his thoughts that he forgets about meals. Good a light and fresh pizza: tomato, shrimp and zucchini.


A pizza that comforts the soul and makes children go back: those born of this sign seek the memory of childhood even in their favorite dishes, such as a simple pizza with cooked ham and mozzarella or dessert.

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What is the holiday dish of your zodiac sign? – Italian Cuisine

What is the holiday dish of your zodiac sign?


In this festive atmosphere, it is fun to consult the gastronomic horoscope to find out which is the ideal dish for your zodiac sign – or who you love. And then there are 12 recipes!

From Christmas to New Year, ready to put our legs under the table knowing when we will start but not when we will be able to get up permanently for the Parties? Whether you have good intentions of containment or that you postpone them all to early January, it doesn't matter: Italian cuisine offers many traditional dishes for the Christmas holidays and they are (almost) all irresistible. Everyone has their favorite dish: the one that comes best to mum, the traditional dish of our hometown, the dish that reminds us of wonderful moments. In this post I will propose you a traditional holiday dish ideal for any zodiac sign, you are ready?


You are one who does not joke, Aries, not even at Christmas. This is why the dish I have thought for you is Stuffed capon, traditional that you really can't and edible only if then the bingo or the Christmas movie awaits you and nothing more challenging!


There is no better comfort zone than a plate of beef broth (with the pieces of meat chosen by the trusted butcher) in which tortellini swim blessed! Torone, you look great with your legs under the table and are in no hurry to wait for the broth to cool.


Since you have the minimum amount of time with your legs under the table so as not to offend anyone, you need to keep yourself light and for this reason one of your favorite dishes remains the very traditional bracing salad, disguised as vegetables but with the host of capers, olives and anchovies.


It may be the air of tenderness that hovers in these days of celebration, Cancer, but you volunteer to brush the remaining sweets at any time of the day. From the last slice of panettone to the crumbs of Ricciarelli, from the mascarpone cream remained at the bottom of the bowl to struffoli who have tried to escape from the plate you will not really grace any.


You are the undisputed king of all vices, obviously including those at the table. This is why your favorite part of the holidays is making kilometer orders in the rotisserie of all those foods that you would never prepare yourself. Give her scallops au gratin to the pate, from prawn cocktail toRussian salad. The deli counter in the center almost attracts you more than the jewelery counter.


If there is a party you really have no doubts: you want the gastronomic panettone. One of cured meats, one of fish and one even vegetarian, to please everyone. Tidy, composed, not even crumbling or dirty: in short, it is really perfect and you wonder why you have been waiting for the holidays to enjoy one.


To warm your little heart during the holidays, one of your favorite dishes is the lentil and chestnut soup, thick and hot just the way you like it. Given the calories it serves as an appetizer, first and second course but if proposed on a controlled feast day it also accepts to have a Roast in Crust.


You are the zodiac sign most linked to superstition then a cotechino with lentils who bring money, as they say, nobody really takes it away from you! Indeed, while you are there in your parties there are not even the grapes and the pomegranate, all natural lucky charms!


When it comes to parties, you raise your head and volunteer to organize too, thanks to Jupiter who rules your zodiac sign. So your favorite holiday dish is great triumph of fried food, the one that overflows from the two-family serving dish and that to be digested requires at least an afternoon on the sofa drinking carbonated water.


With all the Saturn flowing in your Capricorn veins you have a natural predilection for the leftover dinner, the one in which the dishes on the table have no logical thread that unites them. Among these your favorite leftovers are the cannelloni warm up that, you argue, are even better than the day before.

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Since you are not really a lover of traditions I would say that you will not take great pains to cook during the holidays and if you are offered a salmon pasta you would not make a turn. Indeed, just to go against the tide you could give yourself to summer dishes like i prawns with lemon or thesea ​​Salad.


Even at the table you want to pamper yourself, Pisces, and in this period of holidays even more. You will not miss comfort food of the highest level like it honey glazed shank, the mashed potatoes engulfed in a generous grating of Parmesan cheese and all the dishes that remind you of the birthplace of when you were little. Romantic!


The panettone to give as a gift based on the zodiac sign – Italian Cuisine

The panettone to give as a gift based on the zodiac sign


With chocolate, pistachio, wild berries, white chocolate, and still other delicious panettone to give and treat yourself: do we choose based on the horoscope?

Who invented the panettone? The Milanese have no doubts: they invented it and for love, among other things. The love is that of Messer Ulivo degli Atellani for the baker’s daughter, Algisa. Even the Swiss, however, have their say and come up with the legend of an ingenious scullery boy, Toni precisely, hence the name "Panettone" or "Toni's bread". Whatever its origin, we haven't stopped arguing about the panettone today: with hazelnut glaze, without candied fruit, with chocolate, without raisins, stuffed and enriched up to declared offenders who even prefer pandoro. We all agree on one thing: it is held on the radiator for half an hour before eating it. To try to put some order, here is the advice of a panettone by zodiac sign, to give as a gift or treat yourself!


Your zodiac sign is symbolically linked to the red color which is also the color of Mars, the planet that rules Aries. And since red is also the color of Christmas, don't we even want to put some in the panettone? Fortunately, one of the most popular variations of the dessert is that with berries which give it a beautiful amaranth color in the mixture.


Since you don't like arguing at all, especially at Christmas, you will get two panettone (at least): one traditional and one with chocolate chips instead of candied fruit … which is what makes you go back to the memories of when you were a child and you used to remove all the candied fruit with your little fingers. But do you know that February 3 is San Biagio and in the morning it would be traditional to eat a last slice of panettone to protect us from a sore throat? I remind you since you are the zodiac sign linked to this part of the body.


It will be the curious spirit or maybe it will be the irrepressible and mischievous desire to always do the "contrary bastian" but if there is a strangeness you are sure to get greedy. In Genoa there is a variant of the traditional panettone which is called "pandolce": it is without raisins and candied fruit but with pine nuts, the increasingly rare seeds typical of Liguria. What do you say, let's try it?


In your case, sugars are never enough, especially at Christmas time when the greatest pleasure is having a snack in front of the fireplace with the sofa cover, socks and the TV that sends the same Disney cartoon you saw when you were a child. So I would say that your panettone can also hold an extra sweetness like the ai version marrons glacés with lots of chestnut cream. Then diet!


Did you know Leone that a panettone was created specifically for Pius XI around the end of the 1800s? It was shaped like a mushroom, very leavened and very high, so much so that a carriage was needed to transport it. Soft and above all regal because in your case even the Christmas cake is better than not going unnoticed. Obviously it is good that it comes strictly accompanied with bubbles that rebalance the taste of the dessert.


The simplicity that you like to surround yourself with, even at the table, sometimes borders on minimalism. “Essential and pure” also applies to panettone: but how about trying it Piedmontese variant? It is quite low, without candied fruit and raisins but has (at least) a hazelnut and sugar glaze. It seems to me a good compromise between your "virginity" and the sneakiness of the typical dessert of the Christmas holidays.

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When you manage to let your love for the more classic tradition run out of your way, dear Libra, you will gladly abandon yourself to the intoxicating pleasure of a slightly alcoholic flavor like that of panettone with limoncello. Because we know that if you are the sign in the constant search for balance, you are also the sign most attracted to opposites: a winter dessert and a cream that tastes like summer evenings.


Teasing is your strong Scorpio, even when it comes to the palate … Because you know that eros and food go hand in hand, right? Even in astrological symbolism. This is why I believe you can appreciate a truly creative variant of panettone, called 'ndujattone. A high quality baked product that respects the tradition … of Calabrian 'nduja! Spicy, just like you.


The love for experimentation and the curiosity in mixing different flavors and distant origins is truly irresistible for you. Therefore? Even on the panettone it is possible to digress on the traditional theme: I propose a classic dough but with the addition of pistachio true Sicilian and some icing al White chocolate.


You really don't want to hear reasons, Capricorn. You are one of solid principles and a lover of traditions, even the culinary ones and you can't joke about panettone: you order it at Sant'Ambrogio (also known as December 7th) in the best pastry shop in the city and you can pick it up on the afternoon of the 24th by queuing up because this is also part of the tradition. It takes candied fruit, raisins, slow leavening and resting upside down after cooking. Indeed, you almost ask the baker for a small photo report!


If there is one who is willing to go beyond traditions, it is you, dear Aquarius. So you take off the candied fruit yes – candied fruit no and open another one, even more sour and fierce: panettone or pandoro? Indeed, since you like to be a leader against the trend, you will be the leader of the faction of lovers of Pandoro. Always pastry, mind you, and maybe even enriched with sugars (as if it were needed) with an excellent homemade mascarpone cream.


Even with the legs under the table for you the storytelling (of the products) is invaluable … Nothing should be taken for granted and the impossible combinations remind you of the hindered loves of fairy tales. That's why I thought I'd suggest a really exciting mix of flavors like the homemade panettone with caramel and black Himalayan salt: when sweet and savory know how to find a magical and indissoluble bond.


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