What is the ideal pizza for your zodiac sign? – Italian Cuisine

What is the ideal pizza for your zodiac sign?


High or low? Minimalist or hyper stuffed? The astrologer reveals what are the ideal types of pizza of the 12 zodiac signs based on their "star" characteristics.

Is it possible that the stars influence our choices, even in pizzerias? We asked the astrologer Ginny Chiara Viola to reveal the favorite pizza of each of the 12 zodiac signs – because, let's face it, it is very difficult to resist the temptation of a Pizza tasty and choose the one that really suits us! After all, pizza is part of our DNA, a proudly Made in Italy recipe, exported with more or less questionable results in every corner of the globe. And then, pizza is a complete and satiating dish, to be granted one-time without guilt. There are even those who argue that eating pizza is absolutely compatible with the slimming strategy, see the Neapolitan pizza maker based in New York Pasquale Cozzolino, who dedicated the book to the topic The Pizza Diet (edited by Simon & Schuster). When we find ourselves in front of the list of pizzas with many goodness listed, from the simple pizza Margherita to the Quattro Stagioni or Marinara, we risk getting confused. So, let us be guided by the gastronomic horoscope: which is the ideal pizza for your zodiac sign?


This sign in constant motion appreciates take-away pizza and orders it super stuffed with energetic and caloric foods, on all cheeses and cured meats. He eats it straight from the cardboard, doing a thousand other things in the meantime.


You can enjoy pizza, il Toro, at the restaurant, in complete calm, choosing refined and gourmet combinations, preferably signed by some renowned chef. A few examples? Thin and crunchy pizza with courgette flowers and buffalo ricotta.


The eternal Peter Pan of the zodiac loves greasy and greasy pizza, to be shared with a large group of friends. A lover of variety, he chooses the Quattro Stagioni without second thoughts.


A sign of home and tradition: Cancer chooses artisanal pizza prepared with ancient grains. Always and only mozzarella and tomato: you can never go wrong with the great classics.


A sign obsessed with physical appearance, energetic and tireless, the Lion opts for the protein pizza, thin, crunchy and topped with cherry tomatoes and bresaola. Perfect for a post workout.


Another very strict sign, not prone to excesses, often on a strict diet. Those born of the Virgin choose a wholemeal pizza: thin thin, with goat ricotta instead of mozzarella.


Elegance first of all for this sign of Air, very linked to the sense of harmony and order. Their pizza is also chic and never excessive: Ligurian pesto, parmesan and rocket.


A loving sign of the “more is more” concept, strongly linked to the sense of pleasure and enjoyment. The high pizza wins, with a profusion of sausage and cheeses. No sense of guilt, indeed.


The travelers' sign goes in search of the most exotic pizza on the menu. He chooses it very spicy in Mexican style, but he also dares the much discussed Hawaiian pizza, with pineapple.


The traditionalist of the zodiac orders only true Neapolitan pizza: with high cornice, buffalo mozzarella, tomato sauce and the inevitable basil leaves. Patriotic.

fish tank

The Aquarius hates feeling heavy and is not a big glutton, on the contrary: he is often so concentrated in his thoughts that he forgets about meals. Good a light and fresh pizza: tomato, shrimp and zucchini.


A pizza that comforts the soul and makes children go back: those born of this sign seek the memory of childhood even in their favorite dishes, such as a simple pizza with cooked ham and mozzarella or dessert.

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