Tuscan Panzanella: original recipe | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tuscan Panzanella: original recipe |  Yummy Recipes


There panzanella it’s a traditional dish in which you can reuse the stale bread to create a summer dish, simple and at the same time irresistible. Pride of Toscan kitchen (but also throughout central Italy: from Lazio to Umbria, passing through the Marche), panzanella is rightfully (and deservedly) among the queen recipes of the table in summer.

Like its Apulian “cousin”, called “acquasale”, it does not require cooking, being a simple and quick cold dish to prepare. Sure, they are several the variations of the panzanella and everyone can feel free to bring the version they prefer to the table. In the same way, however, it must be said that classic panzanella cannot ignore certain ingredients, which enhance all the Mediterranean character of this timeless dish, as fresh as it is tasty.

Also defined pansanella or soft breadwas born as ideaanti-waste” to recover the stale bread wetting it with waterfall, vinegar And oil and enriched with a mix Of vegetables. Tradition aside, it is good to know that it can also be served as a tasty treat finger food: in this case it will be sufficient to distribute the mixture of stale bread and vegetables into small glass bowls or glasses, decorating with basil leaves. And that’s it..!

From: Tessa for the #familyrecipes column


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