the side dish you don’t expect – Italian Cuisine

the side dish you don't expect


Anti-waste plate par excellence, pan-fried celery is a original outline which finds its origins in the popular culture of the past.
In the kitchen nothing goes to waste and everything can be transformed into one tasty dish and with an authentic flavour. All it takes is a pinch of imagination and a lot of good will.
In this recipe, celery plays a marginal role: what is really important are its leaves, usually destined for the garbage.
Nothing different from a simple one sautéed chicory: a sauté of garlic and oil, a pinch of chili pepper that the most daring palates and the leaves to wither and take on the taste of the smells that accompany it.
THE cherry tomatoes they can be added by those who prefer to give the dish a fresher note, a legacy of the summer that has just passed.

A dish that was born from the need to feed larger families, where every part of a food played a fundamental role in family sustenance.
Try them with a pinch of paprika sweet for an even more special flavour.

Cut the celery leaves and blanch them. Prepare a sauté of garlic, oil, chilli pepper and diced cherry tomatoes and cook the leaves until they wither.
Season to taste and serve while still hot.


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