the second simple with a surprising flavour – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

the second simple with a surprising flavour


Tender and incredibly tasty, the scottiglia it’s a peasant dish which smells of simplicity and childhood.

Typical of the Tuscany region, the preparation of this dish involves a few but well-structured steps: the pieces of meat (usually only chicken thighs or breasts are used) are browned in a pan over high heat, with a clove of garlic, so that the meat juices are not lost and maintain their softness; apart from the classic chopped onion/carrots/celery it just waits to be blended with the wine and combined with the meat. It is the broth, together with the aromatic herbs, that crowns the entire dish, leaving the chef 2 hours of free time for the cooking to finish properly.

The scottiglia can be prepared both in the white versionshown here, and in the one with sauce, prepared with chopped tomatoes and concentrate, for a more intense and full-bodied flavour.

Regardless of whether you choose one or the other, both should be served in the classic terracotta dish, accompanied by two slices of toasted and garlic-flavoured bread.

There cooked meat it is a second course of peasant origins, the perfect dish to be consumed for dinner, during the weekend or for Sunday lunch. All the tradition and grandmother’s secrets in a single recipe.

Sear the diced meat in a pan with oil and two cloves of garlic.

Separately, cook chopped celery, carrot and onion, blending with the red wine and adding the aromatic herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage, catmint or mint).

Add the meat to the mixture, with salt, pepper, chilli pepper and lemon zest.

Cover with the broth and cook slowly for about two hours, stirring occasionally.

Serve with slices of toasted bread and, if you like, garlic and pepper.


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