the most beautiful photos of Italian dishes – Italian Cuisine

the most beautiful photos of Italian dishes


The Culinary Team Palermo dell 'Palermo Association of Chefs and Confectioners won the medal of bronze at the 2020 Stuttgart Olympics. Led by team chef Gaetano Megna, the team designed and created a cold table with many preparations that were brought to the attention of international judges. Among these: three appetizers, four finger food (2 hot and 2 cold), a festive buffet dish, a five-course gourmet menu, four friandises and four desserts. "The common denominator of these dishes", explains Mario Puccio, a member of the team and vice-president of the association, "is the desire to reproduce shades of shades starting from a single color in a single plate".

In the gallery the images of the dishes that led to the bronze victory


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