the monk’s ring, a unique delight for an unforgettable Christmas – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

the monk's ring, a unique delight for an unforgettable Christmas


L’monk’s ring he is refined Christmas dessert, often appreciated as a delicacy during the holidays of the most magical and awaited period of the year. This dessert, also known as “Gonzaga Ring”, has deep historical roots in the Mantua area, linked to the noble family that dominated the city for years, contributing to the culinary richness of this area of ​​Italy. So, the original recipe draws its origins from the local gastronomic tradition, a land rich in flavors and delicious dishes. Legend has it that the dish was created in honor of a monk who resided at the court, acquiring its current name. Over the centuries, the recipe from Mantua it has been passed down and refined, becoming a delicacy appreciated on special occasions.

The dessert offers a combination of surprising flavors, thanks to the basic, crunchy and crumbly, obtained with a high quality shortcrust pastry. This goes harmoniously with the soft and aromatic filling, often made from finely chopped almonds, sugar, lemon zest and delicate flavourings, which adds a touch of sweetness. The glaze, thin and shiny, creates an interesting contrast of textures and an eye-catching presentation. The monk’s ring occupies a place of honor among Mantua’s Christmas desserts. Its presence on the table during the holidays represents a consolidated tradition, for wider sharing with relatives and friends, as a symbol of celebration and conviviality, helping to create a warm and joyful atmosphere at the end of a special lunch or dinner. You too can enjoy itmonk’s ring and prepare it with us


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