Octopus salad and turmeric potato cream recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Octopus salad and turmeric potato cream recipe


L’octopus salad with potatoes it is a classic appetizer which however it can be varied in many ways to always bring it to the table with a different touch.

For the Christmas menuthe manager of our editorial kitchen Sara Foschiniof Neapolitan origins, with his friend Paolo Bussolino, of Apulian and Campania origins, created this recipe which revisits a traditional holiday dish with a special ingredient. The octopus and potato salad is served placed on a turmeric potato cream which makes the dish more colorful and enveloping.

Also discover these recipes: Octopus, potatoes, olives and dried tomatoes, Octopus in salad, the modern version, Octopus, bean and pomegranate salad, Octopus, chickpea, fennel and orange salad.


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