The Eatalian Dinner: add a seat at the table – Italian Cuisine

The Eatalian Dinner: add a seat at the table


On January 27th we will do the shopping at Eataly in Milan and then we will sit in a large table that will celebrate Italian cuisine. Give or give yourself a seat at the table! At the head of the table you find the director of the magazine and Oscar Farinetti himself

On January 27th, Italian Cuisine and Eataly organize the first Eatalian Dinner, a large table to celebrate good and fair food, and its protagonists. Join the journalists, cooks and photographers of the editorial office, at the head of the table you will find our director, Maddalena Fossati Dondero, and Oscar Farinetti, founder of Eataly. All together we will celebrate Eataly's birthday, which has changed the way we shop for 12 years, but above all it has allowed us to get to know and find the best of Italian products. Let's find out together!

The menu
To cook for us, the starred chef of Alice restaurant, Viviana Varese and Enrico Panero, Eataly's Corporate Chef. For starters, the best of Eataly producers, in a sumptuous Antipasti all'Eataliana, then Spaghetto Eataly, the perfect tomato pasta recipe, cod with chickpea soup, roasted tomatoes, spring onion and rosemary oil and finally Tiramisù Eataly – the tiramisu that you can eat from Milan to Tokyo, the most loved in the world.

Add a seat at the table!
Give or give yourself this experience at a special price reserved for readers of La Cucina Italiana. Go to and use the EATALYXLCI code to get the discount.

In the afternoon, do we shop together?
The journalists of La Cucina Italiana will guide you through the desks of Eataly to learn about new ingredients, teach you how to cook them and to meet who is behind the ingredients we bring to the table – the producers, who will be in the shop to explain everything about their work. Bread, mozzarella, fish, meat: from Eataly everything is produced at home and you can understand how to recognize a fresh mozzarella and what really makes a good bread. Directly from the butcher you will be able to discover the clever cuts for shopping and save money with the fishmonger, the forgotten blue fish or the quality of a fish caught on a hook.
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