The chocolate cake that makes you fall in love, Isabella Potì's recipe – Italian Cuisine


Our February 14 could not but spend in the kitchen, this year in the company of Chopard Italy and many friends in love

Valentine's day is the best opportunity to celebrate love in all its nuances: that's why on February 14th we invited to The School of Italian Cuisine many couples of lovers, of friends, of brothers and sisters or of mum and daughter. Drive from Isabella Potì, young pastry chef and talent show star The Chef's restaurant, the couples tested themselves in confectionery, trying their hand at preparing a special dessert.

Everyone has achieved a different result, but everyone has put so much love and fun!

There Chocolate and raspberry tarte it is a demonstration of love and really greedy affection. Try also to prepare it, to make fall in love at the table and make the people you love happy.

The recipe of the chocolate Tarte by Isabella Potì for Chopard

Ingredients for two people and procedure

Shortbread base
200 g flour 00
50 g bitter cocoa
150 g insigny butter
75 g icing sugar
2 egg yolks

Flour, cocoa, icing sugar and butter in planetary and sandblast. Then add one yolk at a time. Form the tartlets. Bake at 160 degrees for 14 minutes with weights and another 5 minutes without weights.

Chocolate filling
200 g of 70% chocolate
150 g milk
150 g cream
5th egg
2 g salt maldon
50 g fresh raspberries
50 g of raspberry powder or fresh raspberries

Bring milk and cream to the boil with salt. Then pour on the chocolates and add the egg. Fill the tarte and cook at 135 ° C for about 7 minutes. It must be hard but still trembling. Raspberry powder to dust on the tarte or fresh raspberries to decorate.

At the evening Cooking with Love participated: our Director Maddalena Fossati with Simona Zito, General Manager Chopard Italia, Francesca Airoldi is Gabriele Maggio, Sandra Berton with his daughter Geneva, Giulia Bevilacqua accompanied by his sister Marta, Francis Cordova is Rosa Fanti, Manuel Bogliolo is Giulia Valentina, Geneva Mavilla is Mara Poletti, Melissa Satta is Chiara Baschetti, Warly Tomei is Umberta Gnutti Beretta, Marisa Passera is Vic, Federica Fontana is Francesca Tronchetti Provera, Sabrina Donadel with Ilaria Bianchi, Alessandra Grillo with her friend Oriana, and finally Lavinia Guglielman together with the boyfriend Dino Passeri.

The present? He thought about it Chopard: during our party, the guests were able to preview the bracelet Happy Hearts, a unique and precious creation, in ethical gold, mother of pearl and semi-precious stones, with a heart at the center that celebrates the joy and happiness of lovers. Look at it in the gallery!

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