The Angelica cake, a delicious mix – Italian Cuisine


Angelica cake is a soft and tasty braid of brioche bread, ideal for breakfast and snack, especially on holidays

Angelica cake is a sweet perfect for the Breakfast and a snack. Its creation is due to the Similar Sisters, famous bakers originally from Bologna who first prepared this braid of brioche bread soft, stuffed with raisins, candied orange (and chocolate chips for those who want a delicious addition): a sweet Garland beautiful to look at and very good to taste.

To prepare the Angelica cake you will need to carve out some time because the steps are many and take several hours. In addition, a good dose of manual skills. But when it is ready you will see what satisfaction!

cake angelica original recipe preparation tips ideas Italian cuisine

How to make the Angelica Cake: the recipe


To prepare this fluffy dessert, you will need several ingredients. For the leaven (fundamental) it takes: 135 g of Manitoba flour, 80 g of water, 2 level teaspoons of dry yeast (or, alternatively 10 g of fresh brewer's yeast), 1 teaspoon of sugar. For the mixture of the Angelica cake: 400 g of Manitoba flour, 150 ml of milk, 3 large egg yolks, 80 g of sugar, 120 g of soft butter, 1 teaspoon of salt. For the stuffing and for the icing, finally: 30 g of melted butter, 200 g of chocolate chips, raisins and candied fruit, 1 egg white and 150 g of icing sugar.


The first thing to do to prepare the Angelica cake is to make the leaven. Just dissolve the yeast in water if you use the fresh one, or add it directly to the flour if you use the dry one, mixing all the ingredients well until you get a fairly solid dough. The leaven is then covered with plastic wrap and left to grow at about 30 ° for 90 minutes. The leaven after resting should have tripled the volume.

While resting you can proceed with the dough of the Angelica cake. Mix the milk with the eggs, add the flour, sugar and mix the mixture well until it is homogeneous and without lumps. Then add the butter in pieces, making it absorb well and a pinch of salt. Only at this point add the leavened dough into pieces and mix again.

Let it rise (always at about 30 °) for three hours.

After the time has elapsed, roll out the dough on a surface, helping yourself with a rolling pin. You have to form a rectangle with one thickness of about 3 mm. At this point, brush the surface with warm melted butter, add the chocolate chips, raisins and candied fruit (or just the ingredients you like) and roll it up on itself, on the longer side.

Once rolled, the dough will have the shape of a sausage. Cut it in half lengthwise, detach the two halves and intertwine them as if to make one Braid. Lift it, arrange it on a baking sheet with parchment paper and close it in a circle.

Let the cake rise for the last time for about an hour and then bake it in the oven at 180 ° for 35 – 40 minutesthe. Once out of the oven, cover the surface with the icing that you have prepared by mixing the egg white and icing sugar.

Angelica cake is ready to be enjoyed!

Browse the tutorial for more tips on preparing this dessert


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