Tag: Mix

Tasty first course in a mix of vegetables, cheese and aromatic herbs – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tasty first course in a mix of vegetables, cheese and aromatic herbs


Velvety, aromatic and fragrant, the risotto with burrata, courgettes and mint stands out as a refined and delicate proposal, ideal for surprising your guests. Using simple ingredients from the land, you will create a tasty first course which, with its quick and easy recipewill allow you to prepare a dish without too many complications and in very little time.


Mix of pasta, vegetables and cheese in a few minutes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mix of pasta, vegetables and cheese in a few minutes


Do you have little time to cook and, above all, have you not managed to do the shopping? Don’t worry! Our very quick vegetarian recipe today’s recipe is prepared with simple steps and simple ingredients, which you can find by simply opening your refrigerator at home. Prepare with us the rigatoni with cream of peppers and ricottaa creamy and tasty first coursewhich mixes creaminess and crunchiness in a really tasty mix of vegetables and cheese!


Tasty mix of legumes, vegetables and aromatic herbs – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tasty mix of legumes, vegetables and aromatic herbs


Cut the tomatoes into coarse pieces, peel and cut the cucumber into cubes, clean and cut the pepper into small pieces. Finely chop the red onion and garlic cloves. In a blender or mixer, place the chickpeas, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, red onion and garlic.


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