STARS AND FOOD – WEEK FROM 20 TO 26 JULY – LION – Italian Cuisine




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"True passions have their own very specific instinct. Put a plate of fruit in front of a sweet tooth; he will not be wrong, he will choose, even with his eyes closed, the best fruit."Honoré de Balzac

lucky from 23 July to 23 August

Special ingredient: Pine nuts. HERE you can find a tasty idea for your special breakfast.

Good luck vegetables: Seasonal salad.

The chef recommends: The time has come for a well-deserved rest, lounging around and feeding yourself on tasty things. You will have to drink a lot to feed your desire for freshness. Freedom to play and have fun. Even at the table the magic word of the week is Gioco. Don't pay attention to those who scold you for the freedoms you take, sometimes you also have to fly and fly, I would say. Your ingredient of the week continues to be a fruit and it is the fruit that was already your partner last week. Have a good time!

Dish of the week: Tagliatelle with pine nuts and parmesan. HERE you will find useful information on the various types of homemade pasta.
Magic fruit: Watermelon. Watermelon skewers. HERE are 10 delicious watermelon-based recipes to play and whet your own and that of your loved ones!


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