Solenida di Podernovo, the last Sangiovese born in the Lunelli house – Italian Cuisine

Solenida di Podernovo, the last Sangiovese born in the Lunelli house


A Sangiovese of character, with intense aromas, the result of a selective harvest of the best grapes

It has an intense ruby ​​red color, smells of black cherry and plum and in the mouth it is a structured wine, with still explosive tannins despite being already 5 years old. Is called Solenida and its name owes it to one of those shells that characterize the soil of the hill where the Podernovo Estate stands, a substrate of fossil residues dated over 3 million years, when these hills were a seabed. This is the last born in the Lunelli house, a Sangiovese Costa Toscana IGT, result of the best Sangiovese grapes coming from the mass selection of a historic vineyard, whose vines have been replicated throughout the land. The Lunellis, undisputed lords of Trento Doc in Trentino, they bought this estate of 80 hectares of which 40 are vineyards, in the municipality of Terricciola, in the province of Pisa. "It is a wine designed to represent the maximum expressiveness of the place where it is born", says Alessandro Lunelli, CEO of the Estates, "And it is the encounter between innovation and tradition, two concepts that we constantly pursue in the cellar".

Innovation at Lunelli

Solenida is the result of a sartorial harvest, obtained thanks to the project Animavitis, a method that allows to harvest separately micro zones with small bunches and light and concentrated berries, to get the best out of each grape. Author of this work Luca D’Attoma, winemaker of the estate and great expert in Tuscan reds, who for years has been working alongside his colleague Corrado Dalpiaz, Mauro Lunelli's fellow student, with 53 vintages behind him. "Here innovation coexists with ancient traditions, such as green manure and vinification in amphorae", Explains D’Attoma," all practices to obtain the best that nature can give us. The new label is, like all, certified organic and comes from Biodiversity Friend vineyards . The wine ages for 24 months in French and Slavonian oak barrels and barrels, and then ages for two years in the bottle.

360-degree sustainability

The organic certification of the wines of the Estates is part of a great project of the Lunelli family. It arises from the desire to pay attention to one sustainability that is at 360 degrees, in the economic as well as in the social sphere. All the work also translates into the search for biodiversity in the vineyard, with the creation of environments suitable for various species of insects, guaranteeing healthy soils and vines. "For some time we have introduced hives into the vineyard", explains Alessandro Lunelli, "because these insects, with pollination, help the spread of new plants, promoting biodiversity". Sometimes predatory insects are released between the vines, which by eating the harmful insects, protect the plants from disease. Everything is done in a long-term perspective, an investment that does not allow for immediate results, but, once a balance is reached, greater resistance is achieved in the entire vineyard. A philosophy, that of time, that permeates every aspect of the work in the Lunelli Estates. Time as deus ex machina that accommodates everything: the earth, the plants and the wine, which, left to rest in amphorae or oak barrels where the wood slowly releases its aromas, is enriched with sensations and aromas. All those that are released to our nose, once we have it in the glass.


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