Halloween gingerbread house – Italian Cuisine


In a bowl, combine the flour with spices, salt and baking soda.

Separately, work the eggs with molasses, sugar and butter, then also incorporate the flour mixture.
Wrap the dough with cling film and let it rest in the fridge for 1 hour.

Take back the pastry, roll it out on the floured surface in a 4-5 mm thick sheet, then cut out the 6 pieces of the house.
Prepare the decorations with the leftover pastry, then arrange everything on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper (I used 2 different baking sheets) and bake for about 15 minutes at 180 ° C, in a pre-heated ventilated oven, then let it cool.

Once the biscuits are completely cold, prepare the royal icing by working the egg white with the sugar until the mixture is smooth and fairly thick.
Divide the icing into various bowls to prepare it in different colors with the food coloring you have chosen (I used black, orange, purple and green).

Start decorating the pieces of the house first, so that they have time to dry before assembling them.

Prepare a tray or serving plate on which you will place the house and start assembling the house, using the glaze as glue.
Before mounting the roof, wait for the walls to be solid.
Finally, dedicate yourself to the decoration of the additional elements.

Once the frosting of each individual element is perfectly dry, your Halloween gingerbread house will be ready.


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