Shrimp and courgette lasagna | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Shrimp and courgette lasagna |  Yummy Recipes


The lasagnette with prawns and courgettes they are a succulent first course based on sea and mountain products, combined together in a superb mix. They are suitable for all occasions, even the most important, with the bechamel to delicately bind the various ingredients in a warm embrace.

How to make lasagna with prawns and courgettes

The delicious ones lasagnette with prawns and courgettes they are prepared by cutting and sautéing the courgettes in a saucepan, then heating the prawns and finally cutting and filling the lasagne with the various ingredients, including bechamel, before baking. Here are all the steps of the recipe illustrated in detail.


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